Chapter 7

The main responsibility of the Konoha Police Force is to maintain law and order in the village.

People entering and leaving the village must register their information and then report a copy to the police department.

Kayn did not join the police force, and according to regulations, he had no authority to access this information.

But thanks to the support of Elder Setsuna, there was naturally no problem in this regard.

The data manager took out stacks of documents from the filing cabinet, which together were two meters high.

He said respectfully. "These are the information registered in the past six months."

Kayn's eyes twitched heavily. In this case, it would take him hours upon hours just to find this one person he's trying to look for.

"Sir Kamakura, can you please gather a few people here to help us."

Kamakura didn't say anything. He simply nodded and not even a couple of minutes had passed, found six people from downstairs.

Not to mention they were all Chunins who had at least one tomoe sharinggan! This would truly make their work here insanely fast.

Before starting though, Kayn glanced meaningfully at the data manager. Which, the latter immediately understood and wisely left the archive room and closed the door behind.

"Ehem! Everyone, my name is Kayn Uchiha, you can just call me Kayn. I will make this fast so listen carefully. Our target for today is a carpenter called Genno. However, he may have registered under other names already. So in order to prevent omissions, please filter out all the carpenters in the information list first."

"We should do what Kayn says. This matter concerns the clan itself, so there must be no mistakes." Kamakura added, further empowering Kayn's words.

He is Uchiha Setsuna's confidant. At certain times, he can even directly represent the elder himself.

The six Uchiha helpers who know this very fact are visibly enthusiastic and willing to contribute already.

Immediately after that, without asking any more questions, they all summoned shadow clones and got down to work.

The efficiency of ninjas at work is truly amazing.

Shadow clone is simply one of the best things ever created!

If this existed in Kayn's previous life, one person would have been already enough to construct an entire building.

It's a pity that such a practical ninjutsu is not always used.

Half an hour later, one of the helpers held a piece of paper in his hand and exclaimed.

"I found it."

Kayn quickly took the information, and read it from beginning to end, and a smile appeared on his face.

"It's him!"

Kamakura glanced at the information. There was a one-inch photo posted in the upper left corner, showing an old man with a kind smile.

"Now, please come and help me arrest him."

Without even asking the reason for it, everyone simply responded enthusiastically.

On the way, Kamakura asked quietly.

"Is there anything special about this carpenter named Genno?"

"There is... a whole lot. If all things fail, he can provide insurance for the clan." Kayn then asked in return "Sir Kamakura, is there anyone in the clan who is good at doing 'interrogation'?"

Kamakura smiled, easily understanding what Kayn's words truly meant.

"I do. Don't forget that our eyes can be used for more than just fighting."


Genno is already in his sixties, and his greatest interest is to sit in the tavern and drink some sake alone during his spare time.

Today is the weekend, and even the most demanding employers will give their workers a day off.

Genno sat in the tavern and ordered a pot of cheap sake and a small dish of crispy roasted beans to enjoy.

He grabbed the wine jug, and the clear wine flowed from the mouth of the jug into the wine glass.

Ganno lowered his head and stared at the wine. In a trance, a sea of ​​fire overlapped his vision.

Shrill sounds of fighting and cries for help.

His family and his home were burned down by Konoha's bandits.

Genno picked up the wine glass and drank it all as if he wanted to swallow all the hatred and pain into his stomach.

Suddenly, his muscles tensed up, like a wild beast ready to explode at any time.

He sensed the danger!

"Carpenter Genno, someone has reported to us that you cut corners and used inferior materials, which caused a house to collapse. Please follow me to the police department to cooperate with the investigation."

A clear and clean voice rang in Genno's ears.

Judging from the voice alone, the person who is speaking must be quite young and good-natured.

Well indeed, in reality, that might not be the case at all, but with how the speaker of the voice just now presented himself, anyone can't help but feel that way.

Truly the wonders when both Acting skill and Voice skill were to be combined.

Overall, that's the reason why Genno's muscles relaxed slightly, and the vigilance inside him mostly disappeared.

His craftsmanship was exquisite and well-known, and many employers invited him.

From time to time, his colleagues would become jealous and try to cause trouble for him by various means.

He has gotten used to it over the years.

Genno turned around, with a bitter look on his face and wrinkles on his forehead, and said in a hoarse voice.

"I was framed."

Anyone who sees such an old man will feel sympathy.

But Kayn, who is also equipping such a pure look on his face is unaffected.

"Well, I also think that as well. But a complaint was made, and since the investigation is still rolling, other than treating you as nice as I can, I can't do much."

As he spoke, he took out something that looked like a handcuff from his bag.

Kayn smiled apologetically, like a nervous teenager enforcing the law for the first time.

"I'm sorry, old man, these are regulations."

"You can't wrongly accuse me."

"That's true. As we get on our way, the team that went to investigate would already be done for sure. If you truly did nothing, then you will be released immediately, and even be compensated for your troubles. I promise." Kayn said as he showed him his brightest smile

Well, as much as anyone wanted to disagree, the fact that Kayn possess a pretty good appearance helped a lot. Such a thing is really useful, especially in these kinds of situations.

If it was another fierce-looking, ferocious person, Genno would definitely not have the same attitude.

"Oh well, a typical bad day I guess." Genno even took the initiative to stretch out his hands so that Kayn could put the cuffs on him.

"Old man, I heard you are a carpenter. Being seen outside in such a state might damage your reputation. So put this on to cover your face."

Kayn considerately took out an animal mask from his all-purpose ninja tool bag.

Genno gladly took the mask and put it on.

There were still several areas of his grand plan that had not been completed, and he could not afford to lose the job until the plan was complete.

For the sake of his career, Genno took the initiative to ask.

"Can we avoid some crowded routes as well? Some might still recognize me even with the mask on."

"Of course." Kayn agreed generously. This was actually what he wanted as well.

However as they were about to leave, the pub owner stood by the door, looking like he wanted to say something but didn't dare to.

"How much?"

The tavern owner didn't expect Kayn to ask first. He hurriedly said. "Umm... I— It's fine. I forgot that we are actually having a promo today. So there's no need."

The police force is not to be trifled with.

This is what most ordinary people think.

They would rather bear the damage themselves than offend the police force, which would be even more troublesome.

"How much is it? It's okay, just say it." Kayn asked again.

"Umm... 160 ryō." The boss looked a little timid and uneasy.

"Here. Next time remember, we are guards protecting civilians, not some back alley thugs. Unless you committed a crime, don't be afraid to ask such simple things."

Kayn showed a clean and sunny smile, which dispelled the tavern's owner's anxiety.

It also won a little favor from Genno.

The tavern owner stared blankly at the bills in his hand, somewhat unable to believe it.

He raised his head and looked at Kayn's receding figure. Under the sunlight, his back seems to shine brightly.

"If only all the people in the police force were like him..."