Chapter 32

Kamakura shook his head and said...

"Kayn is not only the leader of the operation, he is also the one who organized it. That's why right now, he is the most important person in the clan. Even if you die, you must protect his safety!"

Hearing this, Kayn couldn't help but feel mixed emotions.

The advantage of having Inahiro around is that his safety has been greatly improved, but the disadvantage is that his every move cannot be separated from Elder Setsuna's sight anymore.

Sure, the Elder is on his side, even so, there are still some things that he must do later that the Elder must not know about.

Guess he has to also find a way to avoid Uchiha Inahori later.

"Sir Kamakura, I don't deserve such praise. You are too kind."

Kayn quickly followed up with a resounding voice "I am just a small cog in an entire machine. I firmly believe that when all of us work together, the Clan will be able to overcome the difficulties and become great again!"

"Well said!" Inahiro cheered.

Kamakura on the other hand said nothing as he simply put down a storage scroll on a nearby table and said "Kayn, everything you wanted is in here. I will bring you the missing ones tomorrow. I have other things to do, so I'll leave first."

Before leaving, he once again reminded "Inahiro, you must protect Kayn at all costs."

"Father, before I fall, no one can hurt Kayn." His son promised earnestly.

Making the old butler nod slightly and leave in a hurry.

When the other person's back disappeared, the two who were left behind withdrew their gazes. Kayn was not in a hurry to ask Inahiro about the third characteristic of the Sharingan.

In the first place, the first and third characteristics complement each other.

Initially, he just wanted the third one, but after knowing more, he later decided that he would lay a solid foundation first for the first feature and then learn the third feature later to get twice the result with half the effort.

In any case, the two of them didn't exchange too many pleasantries and went straight to the point.

Inahiro bluntly pointed out Kayn's shortcomings based on what he saw so far.

"Kayn, there are still some details in your Reversed Genjutsu that need improvements. I believe that with your talent, you can master it quickly."

"First of all..."

Kayn puts aside all the distractions in his mind and immerses himself in every single word that comes out of Inahiro's mouth.

However, this time, the understanding part happened pretty fast, surprisingly enough.

Well, Kayn already has some solid foundation thanks to his initial practices, so adjusting wouldn't be that hard for him anymore.

Anyways, after all the theoretical knowledge, they wasted no more time and put everything immediately to the test.

The technique they used remains the same.

Illusion: Mist Servant Technique!

The hideous and twisted black shadows started appearing like a tide, just like before. But unlike before, before they could even fully manifest, Kayn already analyzed everything and got rid of them fast.

Experience +2

Compared to what he got earlier, he got only half this time.

Kayn immediately concluded, "I think I got a little impatient when activating the technique."

"Really? I think you did awesome. Compared to𝄖"

"No! Let's do it again!"

"... Huh?"

+2 exp

+3 exp

+2 exp

+4 exp

+3 exp

+2 exp


During the first few times, Kayn's experience fluctuated due to various factors.

But after he concluded the mishaps, the chance of a successful reverse became higher and higher, and the exp-gain gained more stabilization.

Kayn devoted himself to training with full concentration, and a series of exp continued to pop up. Every moment, he would obtain subtle new heights and insights in regards to using the technique.

The feeling of seeing your own progress clearly is addictive.

Kayn enjoyed such a feeling like an addict on drugs... meanwhile, Uchiha Inahiro gradually became numb.

He felt as if he had become a tool whose sole purpose was to cast the Mist Servant Technique over and over again!

He looked at the weird smile on Kayn's face and couldn't understand the reason behind it.

Training is obviously a very, very boring thing... what part of it is he enjoying?!

"Is this the difference between geniuses and people like me?"

Although Inahiro wanted to tell Kayn to take it easy as it could affect his growth, the obvious progress he was making right now made him simply shut up. 

It's like telling the biggest guy at the gym that he's lifting wrong. It looks obviously wrong, but the gains tell you otherwise!

It even reached the point that he started to question whether his method was the one that was wrong in the first place.

That if he copied what Kayn was doing right now...

"Alright! I made up my mind. From now on... Tomorrow... Forget it. Starting next week! I will follow Kayne's method!!"

After that, before they knew it, several hours had already passed.

Kayn kept practicing until the chakra in his body was exhausted and his eyes became dry and unbearable.

When he looked at the time... it was already 2 am in the morning! No wonder his eyes are so swollen already.

Lying on the chair, he dripped two drops of eye-medicine into his eyes.

Kayn doesn't know what it is made of but, after dropping it into his eyeball, the dryness quickly disappears, making his eyes a little more comfortable. 

Just a little...

"Senpai, would you like to put some in your eyes as well?" Kayn asked with his eyes still closed.

Uchiha Inahiro refused with a blank expression.

"Kayn, how do you maintain such..." Inahiro searched his brain for a long time trying to find the suitable word "... passion?"

Kayn opened his eyes, with difficulty, looked at the system panel that only he could see, and answered while wearing a sincere smile on his face.

"Simply because it gives me happiness."


Inahiro was furious.

Can there even be happiness in such... barbaric way of training?!!

True. Geniuses live in their own worlds and thoughts, separated from everyone. But this is too abnormal!!

Meanwhile, while Inahori was having an internal breakdown, Kayn looked at the experience bar that had grown a lot and thought to himself...

"I like this feeling of making lots of progress in just a short amount of time."

[Sharingan(Three-Tomoe): 153/6000]

"As long as I can improve by at least 100 points every day, in just two months, I can fill up the experience bar and get the Mangekyo Sharingan!!"

Only by getting it, would Kayn feel truly safe from the world.

Which is a lie actually... Cause technically, he isn't too safe yet.

In the grander scheme of things, a Mangekyo is nothing too special. Just having it doesn't make one automatically invincible.

But hey, there's nothing wrong with showing appreciation for all the little things we have. At the very least, right now, he's allowed to do just that.

Uchiha Inahiro looked at Kayn's smile once again, and once again, he was unable to understand where such enthusiasm was coming from.

Shaking his head, he finally decided to give up. Understanding people like Kayn would only lead him to nowhere so the best he could do for him was just ride his whim.

Going back to Kayn on the other hand, a sudden thought reached his mind.

"Oh right, I almost forgot about the shadow clones. It's almost an entire day since I made them train."

Kayn hurriedly made the hand sign that would cancel the shadow clone technique. As he did so...

"Hide, kill, MURDER..."

Suddenly, some bizarre memories started to appear in his mind.

"What in the world..." Looking at the myriads of memories he just received, the only slightly normal thing was his shadow clone who was practicing his voice skills.

The normal training content was soon replaced by some... weird sounds.

As he focused on some particular scenes, relevant images began to emerge in Kayn's mind...

"Kya! What are you doing?!"

"Hehehe, Madam, you don't want Kenta to be bullied at school, do you?"

"But, my husband..."

"It's fine. Just remember, it's for your family's sake. Hehehe~"


What kind of shit is this!!?

Kayn couldn't help but pinch the bridge of his nose after seeing what he had just witnessed.

He was about to complain but after glancing at the exp bar... 

[Acting LV2: 159/1000]

[Voice Skill LV2: 144/1000]

He fell silent.

"It seems... effective I guess."

At this point, Kayn decided that he was actually a practical person.

So why does the method matter!? There's no problem as long as the gain is good right!?

Tomorrow, he will create more shadow clones and devote them even more to the great cause of gaining exp!

"Sarutobi, Danzo, Itachi! You guys forced me to do this!! I will never forget this humiliation! Never!"

Kayn, who was suffering internally, had a stiff face. Not long after that, he gave his farewells to Inahiro, got up, and walked to the bathroom, where hot water had been prepared in advance.

Due to his mood, his bath was not very comfortable.

Kayn later walked out of the bathroom and before sleeping, he piled some pillows on the bed and then covered it up with a blanket. Making it a human shape.

Well, his chakra has run out, so this is the best thing he could do.

After finishing, snorting proudly at the sight of his artwork, he quickly got under the bed and later, fell asleep in the darkness without any worries whatsoever.

Preparing himself for the day that was about to come.


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