29 - Foreign epilogue


"What were you thinking about...?" (Sariel)

Eldritch energy... It was just a placeholder name for a currency that couldn't be comprehended. At least it felt like a currency to Lastia, {Feed} allowed it to absorb energy of any type and use them accordingly. Her manipulation would be slow and inefficient compared to those who used the energy originally, but it was sufficient. In the first place, that being was an invader, it using Eldritch energy was the same as a person donating blood. It was using its very being to break the rules of this universe, because without such a tool it was basically useless.

"Nothing much." (Lastia)

"Liar!" (Arin)

The only way to acquire enough energy... Was to weaken the being and convert the rest of it entirely into Eldritch energy. With its entirety... Everything was brought back from before the hole in the sky opened up. Her only choice was to use the massive stockpile of Eldritch energy, and to haphazardly make a wish to return everything back to normal.

"You're thinking about that foreign entity again aren't you? You got lucky!

It used 99% of its energy fighting us off and blocking out stronger magical girls. It was very much a Trace that understood the threat of magical girls. Not some otherworldly alien. " (Sariel)

All of it felt too real. What happened during the battle, and then now too. None of it felt off putting or out of place. They even remember the events happening themselves, and were restored back on earth as if they woke up from a dream of dying. The main party and any other victim was informed that some other magical girl had dealt with the threat, no other information was disclosed and Lastia remains unknown to the other magical girls.

"Haa~ that was exhausting, I need to go back and write into the diary before I sleep. That was way too scary for my first day... I don't imagine it'd be this convenient all the time... " (Lastia)

"... Are you not afraid...?" (Arin)

"..." (Sariel)

"Gufufu, what's that? Are you worried about me...?" (Lastia)

I accidentally let out a disgusting laugh, but it really did fill me with great joy to know that they care for me, that they are still alive. I have to return the favour, I have to... Reassure them.

"It's fine. Everything turned out well. Everyone is alive, the enemy is defeated. All I could ask for is for you to treat 'me' well tomorrow as well." (Lastia)

To the other 2, she must have shown an exceedingly beautiful smile, eclipsing the setting sun behind her, shining gold into her dark shoulder lengthed hair. Her 2 piece uniform rustled gently under the rooftop breeze, carrying her warmth. Even though she said as much, Arin still found it hard to believe Lastia's curse. Even though, Arin was the first to find out... The first to keep quiet, the first to have faith... She just felt so alive right now, an existence that was too real to disappear tomorrow. How could she forgive such a curse?

In return, the other 2 didn't care much that Arin turned out to be a magical girl as well. It felt like fate played a trick when making all 3 of them magical girls... Arin brushed it off by saying it was only a recent occurrence, that she became a magical girl some time after Lastia did. It was a pitiful lie, one that she wanted to bury under her foot forever.

"Got it. I won't let the other Lastias get hurt." (Arin)

"Heehee... You gotta keep yourself safe too." (Lastia)

"... We shouldn't hold you up anymore, you should also cherish some alone time." (Sariel)

"Alright. Then I'll be going now." (Lastia)

Muffled clicks escape as I took each step, even if I never had memories of it, my feet have grown accustomed to these school shoes. I was no closer to figuring out my curse than before. I'm sorry. I couldn't contribute much to your cause, Lastia.

Each footstep felt a little heavy on its own, yet I was able to carry myself forward without stopping. Before I knew it, I was breathing the familiar stale air of my living room. I haven't used it before though, I couldn't get used to it. From the start, I woke up, read my diary, and went to school. I felt discomfort at the vast space that was my living room, so I quickly departed to school without giving it much of a look.

Taking a subdued and long look now... There was a dusty couch, television and table mat. Everything really was covered in a layer of dust... I never really explored my own house. It was a fairly large apartment unit near my school, I'm sure with my money it was impossible to buy an isolated housing unit nearby. Prices soared particularly high around schools due to exorbitant demand.

I'm sure there were many factors taken into consideration... As it is, my bedroom served all of my needs. Maybe I would be what people call a recluse... Then again, I only had a day to live, and more then half of it was spent outside.

... Arin is hiding something. It hasn't ever been mentioned in my diary and it didn't come as much of a surprise to Sariel... Her status as a magical girl, it was only hidden from me...

She might not have any malicious intentions, and the chance to confess simply passed her by... Not that it matters. If there's something more to it, I will keep my findings private in my diary.

I stay at the desk ready to write down today's happenings. It feels like a report given so much has happened... But I must convey it faithfully. I'm sure this information will be useful to a future Lastia. That's why... Please try your best. I'm sure even if Arin and Sariel were to hide something from you, they are still your trusted friends.

For an existence like us, one or two secrets do not outweigh our connections. Our eyes are a mirror to our soul, but since we have almost no soul, then our next best mirror is the eyes of our 2 companions. Everything we've done and will be done... They gleam like magical crystals in the iris of those two... So beautiful, yet so out of reach. You might find no meaning in any of these flowery words, that's fine too. Meaning is for you to find in your own time, not for this diary to give. This diary will serve as a mere guide for when you're lost, and also as a source of fulfilment when you accomplish something great.