
I fell onto the sand, quickly got up and saw that there was nothing around me. I looked in all directions and there was no sign of life. I decided to continue my journey, walking and walking. It must have been 3 hours. I fell to my knees, still no sign of life, but then I heard a sound.

I crept closer and there they were!

I saw them, Homo sapiens. I couldn't believe it, I had succeeded, I had arrived 200, 000 years before the new era! I started to cry, but quickly calmed down and crept closer. I saw them drinking water and noticed how different they looked from us. They had larger and rounder brains, smaller faces, bumps, eyebrows, and a more prominent chin than other ancient humans.

While they were drinking water, I took my weapon and ammunition from my chain and poured a large amount of poison into the water. My mission had only just begun and the only way I could save planet Earth from destruction was to erase humanity from history.