Untitled 2

What is this?! This vile being, begone!

On my floor is a mark , a mark , 1cm long . Barely noticeable, but it is a mark! Destroying my beautiful castle . This mark , a vile stain on my humble abode , and it's white! It sticks out , I walk past it , stomp it . It won't leave , it stays there , this mark and the painting . It should be on the left , not the right . Perhaps it should be blue , perhaps red. 

My abode is very clean , you see , cobwebs , dirty dishes , and a black floor are all part of its charm. The castle is located right near a town . How I enjoy the cool breeze at night and hope for a bat to enter so I may kill it with my teeth. I bet Ma and Pa would be proud. 

As I enter the library , I see them sitting on the couch with a stern expression. But of course, I do not know if they 're pleased or not. They wear the same expression on their faces all the time , for you see, they are dead. They 're skeletons , dried up on a sofa, but you see , this is normal. 

When my parents died, how could I let them be stuck in a box and buried in the filthy earth for the maggots to gorge themselves on their flesh? What monster would do such a thing to the beings that created him? Have they no honor? Have they no respect for their own parents ? No love? I had nothing but love for my parents, so when they died , I tore their flesh, cooked and ate it within a week or two . Pardon me , please, but it has been 15 years, my memory may not be the best. However, my action was certainly the the best for I loved my parents, and I made sure that they stayed with me.

I did not abandon them ; their flesh is within me , and their skeletons are cleaned every day . They have a perfect view of the blue window and the starry night sky. I spend my days with my monkey. It is a wonderfully curious little creature, but it can be loud and disrespectful. It refuses to take baths , so I had to subdue it to the bath . I threw a banana in the bath , it did not care. That did it! I took a piece of wood and smashed its head open . If you refuse to be a good pet, you'd then be a good meal. 

I spend my days reading, for you see, I devour myself in books. But reading and reading, you attain knowledge, and sometimes that knowledge is cursed. I read a book today, it was a splendid read, but it contained a dark secret.

Truly an unfathomable heinous secret. This piece of information shook me to my very core. It made my skin crawl, it made me want to end my life, it made me want to burn the book , something that I never considered in all my life. What is this dark sinister fact that I have discovered , you may ask yourselves ? Oh , you are not prepared . It is appalling . The fact which I have discovered that shook me was....dear me. The fact is... that humans are apes. 

How can this be ? We 're all just monkeys without a tail ; we're related to those dumb creatures that eat their own shit , that hang on the trees like hobos hang on chairs. This was a most distressing matter. I will light Darwin's beard on fire! 

I must calm myself . I indulged in my basement . The stairs go up where I walk and down before escalating up and down , through the light , through thedark , there I go. Once I have calmed , it was night. 

How I adore November. Why is it that November chills me with spookiness more than October ? I don't have the faintest clue. At night , pitch black , I rob graveyards. 

I simply adore looking at the freshly buried corpses. But it is no easy task . I must sneak in quietly, preferably when it's windy. I must wear all black , including a black stocking bearing my face. 

Digging in itself is daunting . I struggle digging with my black gloves, so I dig with my bare hands . The dirt under my nails irritates me , it makes me want to tear off my fingernails. Once I have excavated the wonderful sight of a deceased, I must bury the dirt all over again. 

Finally, I go to my horse and leave. Many times I came home disappointed . If a dog is at the graveyard , there is no use in entering. Once the body is safe in my house , we play games where I relive myself on it. Although I perform this act the following day , as I am too tired to perform it right away. However, why go through all the trouble of digging up bodies , hiding the evidence , bringing them back , and so on and on when it's easier just to kill people. 

I walked the streets. The dark and yellow blend splendidly. There were beggars on every street , men , women , children . They 're hardly worth any trouble , they 're already dead , they just walk and talk , even what they say is gibberish , just like that of a dead person. No, no , I couldn't care less for them . My eyes were set on a middle - aged lady. 

 She wore black and white , and she rode a plastic horse and crushed the people to death with it without batting an eye. Who would cry for this woman? 

Why do people cry for each other? It is simply weakness. It 's best to be distant, not like a machine. A machine has emotions. A machine is man's bitch. A machine has the emotion of being obedient. If you say you're as emotionless as a machine, you're contradicting yourself. There are 2 ways of being emotionless.

1.Being dead , for death is the best medicine. It ends all worry.

2.To be a politician.

I followed the lady ever so close. Oh, I made a distance between us but couldn't resist. I was purely breathing on her neck. Once she unlocked her door , I pushed her inside. I punched her face and grabbed her throat. She screamed and clawed my hands. I placed my hand on her nose and mouth . I smothered her to death. 

The body is fresh ; I can't relieve myself. I will bury her under the floorboards!

I stuffed her in good . When talking about pests , no one ever talks about maggots. Even though they are the biggest man-eaters,they make tigers look like pussies. But rats, everyone talks about rats as pests. Where my dear lady, how would you like to be eaten by the rats and I will relieve myself? Me and the rats together soon.

The noise was heard , and cries were sent to the police . And here they were on my doorstep. I did not leave the lady's house . I invited the policemen proudly and happily. For you see , the public are stupid . Police only do their jobs when their heads are on the line . When it's eat pork or eat flies. The best are private detectives . When they fuck up , they become dishwashers until the end . So they always make sure to do their best . The police? The police are not paid by the people . They are a free service . A free service is half - assed. 

I stood there right on top of the floorboards. As the clueless police had no clue that anything was wrong . They believed me as the owner of this house! Now you may say that it was amoral of me to kill a woman who I never knew . But it was not amoral , as morality is subjective . It is forced down upon us by self - important cocks . I ask you , why do we bear it ? Why must we be followers? Why does everyone in the world have to abide by these meaningless morals ? When morality is subjective . Did god descent from the heavens and tell us what is right and wrong ? Of course not. There is no god . Humans made up god thousands of years ago before they even knew that rocks are rocks. So how can god be real? 

I stood there struggling not to grin , trying to appease the officers . For only they are allowed to grin . If you grin , it doesn't matter where or what time . You are under arrest . There is to be no grinning in front of a police officer. 

I looked down and imagined that bitch under the floorboards . But there is a white mark on the floor. Oh heavens and hell , gods and fuck , pigs and shit! THERE IS A WHITE MARK 1CM SMALL ON THE FLOORBOARDS RIGHT NEXT TO MY FEET! Oh, the horror . The heinous. The white mark , the whiteness like bone , like a scar on a perfect painting . How can you be here? Why do you exist ? Why are you not black so you can fade into the shadows ? But instead , you choose to be brightly seen. 

And now , click , click , click . The clicking of heels , a woman walking fast within the house . I don't see her . She is here, but I don't see her . Click, click , click . The footsteps are in front of me , but I can 't see anything. Click, click, click . No air , no wind , no oxygen , no feeling of another person. Just click, click, click . It stops . I look down once more. It stopped right on the white mark . I say , "THIS I CAN NOT BEAR! I CONFESS , I CONFESS!" I tore the floorboards open . "HERE IT IS. HERE IS THE BODY! " 

There was nothing.