
The Canzer's pained cries echoed through the chamber. It scurried away from Atlan, with its back dripping violet blood after its wings were brutally ripped out in one smooth move.

It couldn't escape anymore. It would take at least 10 minutes for the Canzer to regenerate new wings.

It crawled away until it had its back against one of the large open pipes intersecting in the middle of the room. It was finally cornered, with no way to escape.

If it knew that Atlan had Angel wings, the Canzer would never have tried to attack him. It would have finished off the other humans and escaped away before Atlan could find the exit. 

However, how could it have known that Atlan was a freak of nature who had tremendous powers that could even destroy its armor? 

"@($!&%" It shouted at Atlan, baring its fangs towards him. But no matter how hard the Canzer tried to intimidate the young man, Atlan continued to walk towards his prey with casual steps.