Savior has come

Atlan quickly paid the price and fused the 10 Genuses he acquired.

He saw the Upgrade points once again pull themselves in a line out of the giant fuzzy ball made out of mixed geometrical shapes.

The red string wrapped itself to the eight helixes. Then, the Upgrade points tightened their grip on the Genuses until they collapsed under the pressure.

What was left of the Genus were listless threads.

But then, due to the innate magic found in the Upgrade points, the threads suddenly found themselves vibrating and getting attracted to each other. It didn't take long until one fiber smacked into the other, and it continued until it all gathered into a vertical stack of strings.

The red geometrical shapes then covered the stack of genus fibers, twisting and turning it into a familiar shape. The listless fibers then wrapped with each other and formed a rope.