
After a few hours, Atlan finally woke up.

He opened his eyes and immediately saw an intricate painting of heaven on the ceiling. It depicted a serene view of humans wearing pure white robes and calm smiles on their faces. It induced calmness in anyone who saw it.

Judging from the correct colors on the painting, Atlan judged this to be the real world. Thankfully, he wasn't in the Remedium.

He sat up and saw that he was in a small room with tall, vaulted ceilings. Off to the side, he saw sunshine gleaming down from stained glass windows with designs of a maidenly woman praying with both hands.

Unlike the modern architecture he saw in the City, this place seemed to be made from ancient Gothic materials and designs. The pillars on the corners were made out of stone and lime, with intricate carvings of men and women fighting monstrous creatures.

Where am I?