
General terms

Remedium: the 4th dimension where the God's body resides.

Canzers: the monsters that threaten to destroy the sanctity of the God. They wreak havoc in the Remedium and it translates to destruction in the real world.

Saviors: the superpowered humans that can go over to the 4th Dimension–the Remedium–and kill Canzers. They can be recruited by a God to live in their Territory, where they can receive benefits such as unique Genuses.

The God's body is the Territory itself. If it's a City, then the whole City is Their body. That's why the Remedium closely mirrors the real world.


Little bit spoilers from here on out. My recommendation is to read the book first because I did my best to explain all the terms in an organic way where it doesn't seem too much of an info-dump.

But if you enjoy knowing more about a book before reading it, then feel free.


Genus: is the DNA structure of a species. It can be the Genus of a Mermaid, a Minotaur, or other mythical creatures. An extra Genus can be given by a God to Saviors as a reward or incentive. Having a Genus will upgrade your bloodline.

Bloodline: is the actual species of the human. If a human has an extra Genus of a mermaid, then his bloodline will change into a merman.

Mutation: parts of a human's body will change according to their bloodline. If a human has changed his bloodline into a Half-Elf, then he could have pointy ears for enhanced hearing.

Genus changes your bloodline. The bloodline dictates your mutation.

SoulTime: this is the lifespan of a person. Each attack or injury that Saviors suffer, their SoulTime decreases. If they are bleeding out, then their SoulTime could decrease by half. If their hearts are skewered, then it could decrease by 95%. 

Symptom: these are the physical disruptions and destructions that manifest in real life because a Canzer is causing destruction in the God's body in the Remedium. It could be an earthquake, a sudden heat wave, or even walls and buildings melting like candle wax.

Once the Saviors kill the Canzers, the disruption stops but the after effects still remain. If buildings toppled because of an earthquake symptom, then it won't get repaired after the Canzers are killed. 

Types of Saviors:

Vanguards: they are the main attack force. They are the ones that go into the Remedium and kill Canzers. They have the usual jobs of DPS, Tank, Mage, Assassin, etc. They wear Green Battle Suits.

Operators: they are the ones that stay behind in the real world. They are the ones that diagnose which Canzer the Vanguards are about to face in the Remedium. They also create specialized equipment/constructs to weaken those Canzers and help the Vanguards. They have the jobs of scholars, alchemists, blacksmiths, etc. They wear Blue Battle Suits

Operators and Vanguards are like doctors in real life. They are the Medical and the Surgical doctors of Gods. Operators diagnoses what type of Canzer they are facing and prescribes medicine to get rid of them. The Vanguard goes in and does the dirty work of removing Canzer from the God's body.

Power System

Genus and Mutation: 

—both go from 1-star rarity to 9-star rarity (MC has 10-star rarity)


—Goes from F-class to SSS-class


—They start at the Power Realm of Student => Pre-Intern => Intern => Specialist => ???

—Each realm has 9 stages and they advance through the stages by gaining experience. This is gained by going on missions. They have consolidation periods where they need time to advance to the next level.