
Instead of ticking down like normal people, Atlan's SoulTime was instead going up! This meant that he was getting more life as time passed by instead of losing it.

This is definitely not normal. Is it because of my Physique LifeSkill? Is it because of my bloodline?

Either way, he wasn't mad at this power.

He was an actual immortal. If he did nothing and lived a normal life, then he would live forever, and even extend his lifespan as he got older! 

Neumann also told him that each injury corresponded to a decrease in SoulTime. His increasing SoulTime meant that Atlan had the equivalent of regeneration powers! This was especially helpful in missions to the Remedium.

He dared not tell this to other people. And even if he did, would they believe him? The women would envy him because he had the ability to get younger as he got older.

"Do you understand SoulTime now?" Lizzie asked.

Atlan nodded yes.