
"Woah! What's happening in the arena?"

"Wait. There's someone still in there?"

"Yeah, the Star Porter still hasn't subdued any Canzer yet."

"Hmm? Then where is he?"

The cloud of dust obscured vision from the spectator stand. Nobody could see anything. The only thing they heard were hooves beating on the ground, rushing and charging towards something. But where that was, nobody had any idea.

In any other case, this would have been completely in the Canzer's favor. The cloud of smoke would have prevented the human from knowing where the Canzers would come from next.

However, the Giraffe-Horse couldn't forget that human's sharp eyes. It was the kind of gaze that could somehow pierce through even the deepest of armor, as if he could see through any of its vulnerabilities. The Canzer believed that the human could somehow see it even in the cloud of dust.

'No! That human is human…he no see in the dark…'