String bound

[There is death near you]

[There is death near you]

[There is death near you]

Atlan lost his focus on the race as he saw the words in front of him. It didn't stop. It just kept popping up in his eyes like an endless scroll.

His intuition told him to look back toward the Colosseum. However, he couldn't see past the skyline. The tall buildings in the City obstructed his view from the Colosseum.

Despite seeing nothing but a peaceful and serene street behind him, he knew that there was something wrong. He was sure of it. And if he closed his eyes and tried to block out the sounds of chariots rumbling and rattling as they rolled on the street, he would hear a faint thunderous mix of roars behind him.

A part of him wanted to go back and reap all of those souls. But upon further thinking, Atlan shook his head.