Reaping while standing

[Due to your trait, you have multiplied your rewards by 10]

[You have received 24,050 experience]

[You have gained D class Scout Skill: Thermal Vision]

[You have gained 20 F class Thermal Vision LifeSkill fragments]

[You have gained 10 (1-star) Pseudo Canzer Genus]

Atlan felt his own body heat up as he reaped the deaths of all the Pseudo Canzers around him. As they all unleashed their LifeSkills and decimated the horde, Atlan gained more and more experience from the carnage that ensued. Bits and pieces of Pseudo Canzer flesh flew everywhere.

And from that, he seemed to have gained another LifeSkill! He knew he'd get a lot of experience, but he didn't know that he'd also get LifeSkills and Genuses.

From what he experienced in the Training Hall Remedium, he thought gaining those rewards was very rare. After all, he only got 2 LifeSkills after assisting hundreds of Pseudo Canzer kills. But it looked like he was wrong.