Manly discussions

Atlan walked through the steps of HeadQuarters. It was livelier than he thought given that the Training Hall Remedium was closed for the time being. The steps were so crowded he had to zigzag through the crowd.

He heard their conversations as he passed them. There was anxiousness in their voice, along with panic and uneasiness.

It only took one day for the incident with the Pocket Dimension to be spread far and wide in Genesis City. It was like a wildfire; the more it spread, the faster and more intense the after effects became.

"God…that's two incidents in less than a week. What's happening?"

"The Quills have started sabotaging us, that's what!"

"Now that's a lie."

"Wait, he might be onto something. After all, who created the Pseudo Canzers? The Operators! They could make it do whatever they want, including spawning a horde and going rampage in a Pocket Remedium!"