Strict soldier

The soldiers couldn't stop the reckless youth. They thought that he was an idiotic young man trying to act tough and pretending to be a hero, but after a few minutes, the black battle-suited youth came back.

Their eyes widened when they realized that he had two dwarves on his shoulders.

"That's…that's my cousin! He's alive!" cried one of the bandaged dwarves. Tears fell on his cheeks. 

None of these dwarves thought that a human would have the compassion to help a dwarf like them. Even the soldiers thought that it was too risky to go back inside because even their heat-resistant suits were melting from the hellish temperatures inside.

Atlan noticed it too. The heat intensified so much that even his inherent regeneration of SoulTime stopped when he walked back inside the Masamune district. He would have lost a second of his life with every second he stayed inside.