
Atlan looked at the marvelous battle suit right in front of his very eyes. He didn't know what kind of knowledge and skill it took to create such a masterpiece. Each fiber was laced with power and complexity that looked out of this world.

"This battle suit is rated to defend against Specialist-level Canzers. The padding has five different layers, all separated by a vacuum. It corresponds to five full-powered attacks from the Canzers. Each one will crack and peel away when it gets destroyed, allowing you to have–essentially–five brand new battle suits all in one."

"These paddings…they're made out of chitin? I didn't think that we could use the carcasses of Canzers to create equipment like this."

Carmine nodded and explained. "This world has a distinct lack of valuable natural resources. Back in the olden days, we had plenty, but ever since they turned into the Unclaimed Lands, we have nowhere else to gather any good materials.