I’m so happy

"Do you guys hear that?" Altna said out loud.

Everyone kept their ears open but none of them could hear what Atlan heard. Even if they couldn't understand the Canzer language, they still couldn't hear anything but the sounds of dead branches creaking and crows crying in the distance.

Despite that, Ninth didn't completely dismiss his words. "What did you hear?"

"I think it's a Canzer."

She didn't know how he got that information, but she knew better than to question a hunch. Sometimes, it was much better to trust someone's sixth sense rather than the other five.

A crescent beam of white light suddenly shone towards them at almost light speed! It came from the deepest depths of the fog seemingly out of nowhere.

Thanks to Atlan's timely warning, the Tank already readied a defense for the formation. His body lit up in a red tint as he activated his LifeSkill, bashing his expanding shield toward the beam and redirecting it out of harm's way.