
The sword split the heavens. Atlan saw a brief moment in which the Canzer atop the skies looked at the sword with fear in its eyes. There was an actual threat within that blade that even the happiest Canzer could not overcome.

Atlan didn't know if the expression it showed was it trying to escape from Ninth's attack or if it was just jumping up and down from happiness, but it didn't matter. It would get cut down regardless.

The sword looked so heavy that it sent a huge gust of wind greater than a tornado. If Atlan wasn't so heavy, he would feel himself get lifted off the ground. 

And that was just Ninth bringing down her sword with a very slow movement!

As the tip of her blade reached the giant obnoxious face of the Canzer in the skies, its forehead got indented as a slight tear started to go down and threatened to split the Canzer's face in half.