Team down

With the Mesmer down and out, there was nothing else preventing the superior trees from wreaking havoc on the whole team.

The Sniper raised his kar 98 in front of him and aimed it towards the walking angry tree. He couldn't find the strength to put his head next to the scope, so he was forced to fire from the hip, which lowered his accuracy to the point that he'd be lucky he'd hit his target while in medium range.

As he pulled the trigger, the bullet whizzed through the air and headed for the tree. Unfortunately, it was only able to scrape past through its side. 

He activated his LifeSkill and multiplied his bullets 10 times, creating a wall of bullets that would surely hit the Canzer even without good accuracy.


The bullets were stopped by the trunk for a fraction of a second, but they were imparted with a spinning power that allowed it to bury itself through the thick trunk.