Lake’s halfway point

Atlan walked through the logs with such ease that Carmine couldn't understand how he was able to predict which arrow would suddenly become powered with the Huntsman's magic.

It was as if he had eyes on the back of his head! Even though Carmine had never told Atlan about the probability of those arrows appearing, he could still disregard arrows as if he knew that they were nothing more than normal ones that wouldn't do anything to his chitinous armor!

'Strange…how is this human not affected by my arrows?' asked the Huntsman. He knew that Atlan was an interesting human that wasn't like the other humans it had ever faced before. Yet, it didn't expect him to be this adept at dodging its arrows.

Atlan continued to walk through the logs, while only walking left, right, or forwards. He would juggle between two different logs as he waited for the right timing for his next advancement.