Photosynthesis false mutation

Atlan didn't need Carmine's warning; the arrow's terrifying pressure and aura were enough to make him know that this was no ordinary attack. 

It wasn't like before when it was only chasing the heart. This time, its only objective was to destroy him.

He immediately jumped backward, hoping that he would be able to lessen the impact of the arrow. But he knew that it wasn't enough. The electric and magma power imbued into the arrow was not something that could be lessened by simply physical means. He had to fight it using supernatural powers.

He had no other choice but to overload his False Mutation once again. It was the only way he was going to suppress the powers hidden inside that arrow.

If he couldn't, then not only would his battle suit get brought down to only three layers, but he would also get knocked unconscious for minutes at a time.