False attraction

The White Canzer and the Happy Puppet approached Atlan once he was caught in their trap.

'Good job, my dear Aitch! I'm very happy that you have not disappointed me. You made me very happy.'

The puppet jumped up and down with elation. Its cheeks and its whole face turned red as the White Canzer rubbed its head.

It was clear that the White Canzer completely controlled the puppet. Judging by how extremely happy with her compliments, it was clear that it would do absolutely anything for the White Canzer as long as she said it.

'Hehe! I'm happy you're happy! Should I kill this human now?'

The puppet's face looked like he was joking, but Atlan knew that it was completely serious. If it wanted to, then it could kill him in the blink of an eye.

'Not yet. I want to observe our little human first. It's been so long since I've had a live human right in front of me to see.'