Star crossed

A tinge of hope flashed through Belle's eyes. With the Beast's help, she could finally kill Atlan. Even the three humanoids by his side couldn't fight against a bona fide Specialist-level Canzer. Unlike her, the Beast was made for fighting.

"Go on! Kill him!" she screamed to the Beast.

But the Beast just stood still. It didn't move.

It was at this point that she found that something was weird. The Beast who usually followed her every word didn't respond this time.

When she consulted her book of contracts, her face suddenly fell into a hopeless despair.

The Beast's silhouette suddenly fell forward right next to Atlan. The usually mighty and arrogant Beast was nowhere to be seen. Instead, what remained of him was his lifeless body filled with cuts, bruises, and burns.

But perhaps what truly killed him was the fact that only his head was gone. There was a clear bite mark on his shoulders, indicating where the Dragon decapitated the Beast.