Very convincing

After a while, the castle walls, paintings, and winding staircase all turned into particles that dissipated in the air.

They were back in the mirror world of Genesis City in the Remedium. But even though the Church was just a few streets away from them, they didn't feel as if they were closer to their goal at all.

They encountered a Canzer, the Beast, and fully expected to battle the monstrous being to the death. That was what they trained for, that was what they expected.

Yet the truth was much stranger than fiction. Instead of fighting tooth and nail to kill the Canzer, instead, they were stuck in a gray fog and wandered around doing nothing.

In the end, the Beast was dead, with them none the wiser of what happened. They couldn't understand the situation. Should they be thankful or should they be much more wary of the fact that there was a strange stalker in their midst that killed all the Canzers before they could kill them?