Opposite of fight

The group didn't know what to do. They had a protocol for whenever a Canzer attacked them with unrelenting force, they had a protocol for whenever a Canzer hid itself in the surroundings, and they even had a protocol for when Canzers showed unpredictability that was not part of their plan.

But this was the first time they encountered such a helpless little beast. The Canzer didn't have monstrous qualities like the Beast, it didn't have the sly aura that the White Canzer had, and it didn't even show any sign of power in its body at all!

The Canzer was as small as humans and even weaker than some adolescents.

Everyone looked over at Ninth, waiting for her instructions. 

However, Ninth herself was clueless too. She didn't know what to do.

Usually, she would quickly decide to kill this creature no matter how harmless it may have looked. She would have killed it for the mere fact that it was a Canzer, and nothing else.