To the cottage

Atlan hugged her tightly and let the time pass.

The next morning, the Canzer finally stopped crying and wiped the tears from her chitinous cheeks. She looked up at Atlan's face and realized that she was far too close to him.

The Canzer's cheeks seem to have reddened from embarrassment.

She pushed herself away from him and made some distance between the two of them. This woke Atlan from his sleep.

This was the first time that the Canzer was ever this close to anybody before. She hadn't even interacted with other Canzers before, but now, she hugged a human, of all beings.

But when she looked up at Atlan, she realized that his face wasn't all that strange. It was quite…pleasing to look. She didn't know how that was possible since she had only seen Canzers her whole life.

Atlan had the kind of face that was easy to look at. If she could see his face all the time, then she wouldn't mind it.