Empty space

Ninth and the rest of the Specialist-level Saviors were dumbstruck as they looked at the empty space near Tulip.

The stabilizing presence of the Star Porter was gone. There wasn't any trace of him anymore, as if he wasn't even there to begin with.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" screamed Ninth as raised her sword and aimed it at Tulip.

All the sympathy and changing emotions she felt for the Canzer vanished the moment Atlan disappeared. In her mind, the reason Atlan disappeared was because Tulip betrayed him.

Tulip, faced with the full pressure of a Specialist Savior like Ninth, felt her legs turn to jelly. No matter how much she tried to resist and fight for herself, her body wasn't listening to her, and ended up falling to the floor.

She felt the cold steel of Ninth's sword on her chitinous neck. Even though Ninth hadn't put any pressure on it yet, violet blood spilled out of the small cut made by her one-handed sword.