Unfair outcome

Atlan, right at this very second, saw blobs of light flowing out of every single human in his vicinity.

These blobs of light signalled life itself in the form of Soul Time. And each second, everyone's Soul Time ticked down a second, meaning that they were losing life for every second that they were alive.

And somehow, Atlan could now absorb those lost Soul Time from the air and implement it into his own life, increasing his Soul Time in absurd numbers.

If Soul Time did become the current currency of the world, then Atlan could be considered to be the richest man alive possible. Even if he wasn't the one with the most Soul Time for now, he would certainly become one in the future.

After all, while everybody was losing their lives, Atlan was actually gaining them at an even faster rate than most people died.

Meanwhile, Ninth and her team couldn't help but worry about their own situation.