Remold perfection

Custodire looked at the dwarves, then at Atlan before finally nodding her head to agree with their request.

"If I have their help, then I can make a suitable weapon for you," she said to Atlan.

This ended up making all of them happy. First of all, Atlan now had a chance to have a well-crafted weapon made specifically for him. This would bolster his strengths to even greater heights, especially since he would be using the magical sword and shield that the three good fairies gave him.

Second of all, the dwarves finally had a chance to repay the life debt they had for Atlan. As a prideful bunch, they would never let this debt go unpaid, especially since Atlan had saved them from death. 

If it was possible, then they would even be willing to give some Soul Time of theirs to make sure that the creation of this weapon would go smoothly.

Third of all, Custodire would be able to make sure that Atlan was safe in these dire times.