Hidden anomaly

But no matter how much Otis wanted to push his body forward, it didn't move a single inch. It was as if his instinct was telling him that he shouldn't go anywhere near Atlan.

Otis was not a novice in fighting against Canzers. He was a bona fide Intern-level Savior, which meant that he fought against very strong Canzers during his whole tenure as a Savior for the HeadQuarters.

And during his time fighting in missions, there was rarely any time when he would feel this kind of fear. He always knew that he was going to make it out eventually.

One of the times that he felt fear was when he experienced an anomaly in the mission. The Intern-level Canzer that they were supposed to fight was nowhere to be seen. Instead, there was a Specialist-level Canzer waiting for them inside the Remedium.