Kobra’s domain

It was a tense situation with Kobra and his team. Since he was considered to be the strongest Savior in the city, he was tasked to kill the strongest Canzer in the Remedium. Not only that, but there were two of them here.

As expected of Kobra, he was able to hold his ground against two Specialist-level Canzers. It must be mentioned that he had the support of multiple other Intern-level Saviors, but it was still impressive that he could take them on.

His LifeSkill allowed him to summon a huge stinger from his back, stinging any Canzer that tried to go near him. The poison in his stinger was enough to deter even the Canzer with the toughest skins. Cast in point, the Canzers he was facing right now learned a very hard lesson about approaching him.

He was able to sting both of them, injecting them with enough poison to slightly lessen their regenerative properties.