Li Yan, Selective Completionist

Chapter 67


"I'm too fucking handsome! Err, I meant to say friggin… too friggin handsome."

Lucifer made sure to catch his sailors mouth. After all, he was in the presence of a child!

If her parents weren't about to die to his hands, then they would surely give him quite the earful. And that was just bad points for the impeccable reputation that he was trying to build up for himself.

In spite of the stupid shit swirling around inside Lucifer's head, it was his dazzling appearance that truly became the star of this discussion.

For some reason or another, he had become unbelievably handsome!

Like really fucking handsome!

Like so handsome that even the straightest of men would switch sides the moment they caught a glimpse of his awesomeness-

'Err, I meant to say 'handsomeness'!!'

'Well, my awesomeness is also on another level, but yeah, all of the above really.'