Greedy Li Yan

Chapter 88


Inside the Nature Dome, time passed like a warm spring breeze.

A total of 5 hours flew by in the blink of an eye.

"So, little benefit creator, how is that Mid-Sky Rank Qi Gathering Formation Array coming along?"

Lucifer peeked over the small shoulder of a short goth girl. Seeing that she was hard at work, he patiently waited for the end result to come into being.

Fortunately, it didn't take long before Li Yan put down the brush and inscription tool she had in her small hands.

Looking up at the greedy look on her brother's face, happiness overwhelmed the feelings in her heart.

For the first time in her life, she was useful to somebody…

This made her beyond overjoyed, but it also forced her to remember everything that she had experienced to make it this point.