System, Do You Hate Me?

Chapter 115


"Damn royalty…" Lucifer muttered underneath his breath.

"Are you okay, Lucifer!? I didn't mean to hit you so hard! It's just that I was finally done with training, a-and I wanted to see you, so I came as fast as I could…"

Twiddling her thumbs and looking in every direction but where her victim was located, it was quite obvious that Shun Wen felt bad about what she had done. But with her straddled on top of him like she was ready to dominate the rodeo, Lucifer found it hard to believe that she was anything but a she-devil in disguise.

Lifting his upper body off the ground with his arms, he found himself face-to-face with the flustered blonde elf princess. Instead of taking advantage of this situation like a Japanese protagonist, he simply asked, "You're done…?"

"Mhmm… For at least 50 hours…"