Middle Void Refinement Realm BP

Chapter 119


With Evil's Sovereignty, Lucifer was all but assured of its ability to grant anyone the option of taking up the Evil Path.

Wishing to waste none of the limited time he had, Lucifer picked up the floofer and put her on his shoulders. Letting the floofer lean up against both his head and the wall, he then got to opening up Evil's Sovereignty.


Clearly quite confused over the actions of the human, Whitey repeatedly tilted its head. Though it quickly got tired of thinking too much and simply went back to napping.

On the other hand, as Lucifer opened up the book, the words inscribed in the pages were enough to put him in a temporary state of enlightenment. Taking advantage of this rare and fortuitous state of being, he both comprehended the Evil Path and further progressed his other 3 cultivation paths.