Big Plans

Almost three months had passed since the Catacombs had been cleared. During that time, nearly no major events had occurred. James and Ariel had passed the 27th floor together, and then one thing had happened that could perhaps be considered a 'big event' in a small way.

The Church of Night began to expand.

The powers below the 75th floor were, of course, shaken by this, but most of the higher gods were unable to make a decisive attack because of their respect for Nyx and the fear that accompanied it.

In the meantime, James had gathered artefacts from the ruined and now ancient Church of the Night and placed them in the main guild building on the 5th floor.

Some of the artefacts were not suitable for James to use at the moment, most of them were broken and disassembled, and of course, it was obvious who had destroyed the churches, even James himself knew that, let alone Nyx.