The Green Menace

The noise of twigs cracking and leaves ruffling resounded in the forest as the group of three lesser demons proceeded, eyes ablaze with caution.

On the way, Adam frowned, his thoughts churning.

The boar he defeated earlier was an ordinary creature. But in this strange place, where demons and gods gazed upon the realms, he somehow didn't doubt that magic creatures also existed.

Faltering in front of his troops was out of the question. Morale and respect were essential aspects of rulership. He couldn't lose any for his territory to prosper. He fortified his heart, a steely glint flashing in his eyes as he prepared himself for the worst.

After ten minutes of tense walking, a sudden bush rustling alerted them.

Instantly, he gave his command, his voice sharp and authoritative.

"No matter what, always work together. I want no wounded on this hunt. Follow me!" 

Shihan and Garduck nodded, an amused glint flashing in their eyes for a second. 

Then, Shihan's voice broke the silence as she did her best to stifle her laughter.

"The creature is dead already."

"What? How?"

Instead of answering, shadows slithered on the ground, dragging a rabbit by its pierced chest. 

"Don't tell me you can't use your demonic energy, my lord."

He gazed at her, eyes wide as an inner scream rocked his mind.

'Not only I don't know how, I don't even know what it is!'

"Cough. Of course, I know how to use it! I'm just saving it for powerful beasts."

Through gritted teeth, he lied, finding it impossible to admit something so big in front of them.

'I'm sure I'll receive a notification detailing its use soon... I hope.'

Simultaneously, a notification window appeared.

[Your subject, Shihan, defeated a Lvl1 rabbit. You have gained 1 experience point.]

His eyes bulged at the text, the implications settling in his mind like a storm.

'I can get experience points without fighting!'

But he pushed the idea down. What kind of gamer would let others do everything while they slacked? No! He played games because he enjoyed the process, not the outcome!

'It feels like-like... I'll get a max-level character without lifting a finger. Or more like power levelling?'

His eyes narrowed into slits at the thought. He had known some individuals who used these means to play way above their leagues. The result was always the same: real gamers scorned them because of their poor proficiency.

'I won't become like them, even if it's real life!'

Determination imbuing his movements, he threw the rabbit to Garduck and gestured them to continue.

During this expedition, he had three goals: level up to experience what he would get, scout the territory's direct surroundings, and use the beast's core to summon more troops.

As they progressed under the trees' foliage, feeling spring's gentle breeze caress their skins, a terrifying guttural roar shook his heart.

"Careful, my lord! It came from a magical creature."

Shihan yelled, drawing closer and filling his nostrils with her provocative scent.

'What a bothersome ability.'

He clicked his tongue, focusing on the approaching noise to forget about her.

A short, greenish creature burst through the bushes the next second. It glared at them, a red spark flashing in its small eyes. Its long nose scrunched as its lips rose in a threatening grimace, revealing a row of jagged teeth.

Rusted sword in hand, it roared again and struck his chipped armor, creating more noise.

Attracted by their brethren clangour, more creatures joined it, making him sweat as he counted them.

"Six goblins? Where are the easy-to-kill slimes?!"

He slapped his head, and his pupils constricted.

But as the territory lord, he had to give his commands.

In the blink of an eye, he recomposed himself. 

"Rally me! Fight as a single man... demon! We won't fall against pitiful creatures!"

Then, he scrutinised Shihan, reluctant to ask her to do most of the job.

Before he could, the noise of something collapsing to the ground reverberated behind him.

"Garduck? What are you doing?"

He blurted out as a blur flashed before his eyes. Then, all hell broke loose as a spectacle he didn't want to remember unfolded.

"Hahaha! Fight me, pitiful creatures! Witness the difference between you and a demon!"

Laughing and bending backwards like a madman, the lesser demon's fierce charge shattered the enemy's lines.

A loud yell reverberated as Garduck grabbed the one who had alerted the others by the neck.

"You like to open this mouth of yours? Let me help you."

As the icy words echoed before his bulging eyes, the demon slid his hands inside the goblin's mouth, pushing and pulling simultaneously.


Its skull shattered under the pressure, and blood flew, painting the nearby vegetation red.

The other goblin trembled, terrorised by the powerful display.

He trembled, too, mouth gaping at the match rigger's strength.

Yet, Garduck didn't feel satisfied. No, he enjoyed the brutality. He could see it in his amused eyes.

In the blink of an eye, he blurred into action again, his sharp nails glinting as agonising noises echoed.

"Stop! Let me handle one!"

His lips twitched at the man's lethal efficiency. In ten seconds, four twitching corpses already littered the ground!

With a begrudging nod, the demon slammed the fifth goblin into a tree, shattering the back of his head and coating the bark red.

"Gather their equipment in the meantime. It'll be a shame to leave it behind."

He winked, confidence painting his face. Yet, deep down, worries gnawed at his heart. A goblin differed from a wounded boar. One wrong manoeuvre and the creature his size could behead him.

'No! I need to grow stronger! There is no place for fear in this world!'

His inner world shook as determination guided his steps. His back straightened and his eyes narrowed, his concentration reaching a new peak.

His short legs bent, and his tail fluttered behind him the moment he reached three meters. Then, he propelled himself like a bull towards the still-shaken creature.

'That's what fear can lead to.'

The thought rumbled in his mind as his arm blurred before his nails shredded the wind, then the creature's face.

In their wake, they left deep gashes spurting blood and punctured eyes.


The goblin's agonising roar echoed in his ears, forcing him to remember the hundreds of thousands of hours he spent gaming. From the ugly, silent two-dimensional monsters to the lifelike ones roaring through the speakers, the only difference was the sensations.

Other than that, the violence, cruelty and gore were the same. Therefore, he didn't bat an eye when his blood-dripping hand dived into the goblin's neck.

Disturbing gurgling sounds echoed as a waterfall of blood spewed when he jumped back, still wary of its potential last counter-attack.

Then, silence.

A deafening silence engulfed the scene as he gazed at his victim. Yet, the guilt he expected didn't manifest.