A Queen's Lesson

"I found a strange colony of oversized ants in the West. They look strong, but a single demon can wipe ten of them, so you might want to start there. I can also guide you to the beast lairs I spotted. There are quite a few, ranging from rabbits to bears."

He nodded solemnly, his brows creasing into a frown.

"You did well. We'll start with the beasts tomorrow."

Priority had to go to leveling up.

Once they've all reached level ten, he would consider raiding the ants first, then the bandits.

After the hobgoblin's fiasco, he would take this realm more seriously and progress one step at a time.

His mind sorted, he patted the crouching satyr's shoulder, smiling in approval.

"We'll wait for the others' return to eat. Get some well-deserved rest and prepare to guide us tomorrow. Oh, you can claim one of these huts as your home."

He pointed at the freshly constructed buildings with a grin.

"You'll have to share it with someone else until we build better ones. But it's better than sleeping on the ground."

The satyr's eyes sparkled as the noise of his hooves echoed. It was an undeserved reward for a simple job to him. Yet, his heart couldn't help but pump blood faster into his body.

Even if he missed today's events, his impression of Adam increased, and he muttered a promise to work hard to deserve better rewards.

[Unnamed satyr's loyalty increased by five.]

'What did I do again?'

Adam watched the satyr's back, brows raised in disbelief. Then, he chuckled, slapping his short legs in amusement.

'I don't know about the higher ranked, but these demons aren't bad fellows. They just had tough lives. I'm sure they'll learn to contain themselves and become great subjects.'

A warm sensation spread in his chest as he rose to his feet, going to meet with Garduck for his daily training.

However, Luna left one of the huts and cut his path. Her disdainful yet charming green eyes narrowed at him as a breeze ruffled her hair. 

"We are far from a castle, but that's a start."

Without warning, she clutched his arm and dragged him inside.

The smell of freshly polished wood filled his nostrils the next moment.

Despite his improved strength, Luna's physique still overwhelmed him, making his feet leave the ground.

A surge of adrenaline coursed through him as he gazed up at her, his eyes widening at the sight of the two proud moons encased in tight leather above his head.


As swift as the wind, he lowered his eyes to focus on the ground, his heart almost exploding.

'Between her and Shihan, even a monk would change beliefs...'

The thought crossed his mind as bright scarlet colored his face upon noticing a second tail bulging in his pants.

"Humph. I see you know some manners despite your species."

Luna snorted, yet a pleased glint flashed in her eyes as she let him go.

She outstretched her palm, channelling her demonic energy in it.

The temperature rose as green, burning tongues crackled in the air the next second, causing his eyes to enlarge and a drop of cold sweat to drip from his forehead.

"Listen well. I don't want to help, but for fairness' sake, I'll teach you how to use your demonic essence before you die at the hands of a random creature."

She closed her palm, snuffing the threatening fire as simply as she would with a candle. 

"I'll repeat it again. It's not to help you."

She pointed her slender finger at him, holding her hips with her second hand in a proud posture.

Faced with her solemnness, he scratched his head, the worries about the potential betrayal melting with her flame's disappearance.

Replacing it was a deep sense of joy that sent a tremor through his frame.

With such an impressive succubus queen to guide him, he didn't doubt he would master the energy in the blink of an eye!

'What are her stats now?'

Curiosity gnawed at him after reaching that thought. Without waiting, he focused on making them appear.

Name: Luna

Race: Succubus Queen

Affinity: demonic energy

Job: /

Class: Sorceress

Loyalty: 55

LVL: 4

Exp: 20/160


HP: 270/270

Vitality: 12->27

Strength: 6->13

Agility: 8->19

Demonic essence: 20

The increase made him pale in fright.

He knew she would reap the same experience points as the others did. But with her incredible base stats, the difference was staggering.

'I must evolve!'

The thought reverberated, fueling his determination to catch back with her. But first, he had to learn.

"Teach me, please."

He bowed his head, finding no shame in thanking her for her help.

However, Luna blurred the next second and flicked his head upright.

"Never bow to anyone! You are a demon, for Lilith's sake!"

He covered his forehead, the burning sensation disappearing as he saw her huff in rage, not pleased by the show of respect at all.

"Burn my words in your little imp's head: a demon's pride is worth more than his possession. The day you lose it will be the day the salivating bastards eying your wealth and strength will band and devour you." 

She turned, showing him her back and hiding her face.

"We are a violent race, true. But higher demons never fight each other. Do you know why?" 


Shaking his head, he noticed her fists clench, nails digging into her palms.

"Because they are intimidating. Their cruelty and reputation put much more pressure on others than their power. In this manner, they intimidate any rebellious element into submission, using propaganda, lies and deception."

She lingered, letting a tense silence settle in the house.

"Because they can bleed like any creature and, therefore, die."

Her low voice, filled with suppressed anger and hate, struck him like a hammer.

As he suspected, Luna seemed to have a complex story that still haunted her. For a brief moment, he lowered his eyes, a bitter taste filling his mouth. He wanted to apologize for the blunder and for making her remember sad memories but doubted she would take it well.

Still, he had his own methods and vision of ruling.

"I've heard you and will pay attention to these details. But I'm not like these mighty demon princes and kings. I have subjects I can trust and relax with."

He offered her a bright smile filled with genuine trust, one that stunned her as she turned to refute him.