The Second Event: When the Earth Trembles

Awoken by Achilles' urgent screams, the horses neighed in horror and rushed through the air.

However, their hesitation cost them the opportunity to dodge. And now the staff's humongous dragons were already upon them, ready to crush them under several thousand tons of gold.

Merlin coughed, his voice rumbling as he clapped his hands.


A transparent bubble spread with the noise, encasing the chariot as a cog appeared above it. A silence, broken only by the pounding hooves, engulfed them.

Achilles' and Karna's eyes widened as the staff slowed... No, everything outside the bubble seemed much slower, as if time itself bowed under Merlin's spell.

Yet, a frown creased their brows as the carriage sped to safety.

"Are you all right?"

Karna supported Merlin as he coughed more blood and trembled like a leaf. But he waved his hand, forcing a crooked smile.