A golden light erupted from the lord's blazon as his lava cocoon burst open—just in time to meet the green fangs closing on him.
The fiery snake's jaw snapped shut on the solid mana swirling into a sparkling blue shield.
Demonic and abyssal essences assaulted the barrier, but Xanthikos smirked victoriously.
"Nothing can kill me in my palace, for I'm the lord, dumb dogs!"
His dark laughter reverberated as the rumbling sky drew Luna's attention.
At a glance, she noticed the city's mana barrier dissolving into waltzing wisps. As if called by their masters, they rushed to reinforce the man's protection.
Her lips twisted into an ugly grimace, making Xanthikos laugh twice as boisterously.
"Curse your stupidity and flee like the vermin you are!" She rolled her eyes at his disgusting smile as he swept his hand and roared. "Molten castle!"