The scent of molten materials of the mythical and divine ranks filled Mimir's well. The sound of pounding metal shook this region of Jotunheim, sparks waltzing and plasma coloring the sky scarlet.
With the knowledge he had inherited and under Mimir's advice, he condensed the six eldrichs bones and essence using the oldest runes and the legendary sons of Ivaldi's techniques, giving birth to a half-divine half-infernal material. But why would he limit himself to it when he had Uru and other mythical metals?
Mimir whistled when he retrieved a piece of Uru, a morsel of Yggdrasil, and a dragon's hide.
"Where did you get so much good stuff, brother?"
Adam smirked, remembering all the misses but the few incredible materials he got. "Nídhögg traded the wood. Got the rest through my talent."
Instead of elaborating, he turned his attention to the materials. He used Brok's and Sindri's incredible carving methods to process those materials.