Forged in Absence

After a brief walk, Adam arrived before the chaos forge he had ignored earlier. The pounding of hammers against metal, the subtle rise in ambient temperature and the scent of burning charcoal made him whistle in approval.

Unlike ten years ago, the lone building was now the heart of a craftsman's district filled with artisans sweating over anvils. Through the windows, he noticed a few refining glasses or molding potteries on spinning devices.

Muramasa grinned as he pushed the forge's doors open.

A rush of burning air ruffled Adam's hair as he saw a dozen burly men wearing leather aprons. Their powerful arms' veins throbbed, and bright flashes of flying sparks erupted each time they swung their enchanted hammers. Some secured scalding pieces of metal over the ten anvils using large pincers, while others gripped rough blades under sanding devices.