Chapter 5: The First Day

The sun's warm light entered Cassian and James' room through the small window, causing them to wake up from their comfortable sleep. Cassian was the first to wake up, since he had developed the habit since a young age. 


Cassian stretched his muscles with a yawn, his golden locks falling all over his forehead, making him appear like a stunningly lazy beauty.


He moved James to wake him up, knowing that they couldn't afford to be late for their first day of work. "James, wake up," he murmured, gently shaking his friend's shoulder. James groaned and pulled the covers over his head to block off the sun.


"Wait a minute, let me sleep," James muttered, rolling to the inner side of the bed.



Cassian muttered to himself a few words and walked towards the gate to peek outside. He was indeed right; many servants had already awakened, and without any thought, he dragged James from the bed to the ground, even snatching his warm blanket.


James instantly shivered on the cold floor. "Fu*k man! Who is ruining my beautiful dream?" Cassian, with a smirk, knocked on his head. "Wake up from your sweet dream, or in no time you will have a nightmare."


Cassian walked away from there while twisting his body and humming a low melody. He was in a good mood after sleeping through this warm and undisturbed night.


He had already gone to find the head maid. He got to know last night that they would receive their uniforms from the head maid.


Without much difficulty, Cassian found the head maid barking orders to the lower maids. He greeted the head maid, Martha, with a small bow and said, Good morning. 


Martha looked at the pretty boy in front of her with her head furrowed in confusion. "You are?"


"I am the new boy, Head Maid. I was assigned by the steward last night."


Recognition dawned on Martha, and she muttered, "Ohh! The new servant." She narrowed her eyes at Cassian and said with a stern expression, "Where is the other one?"


Cassian felt his mouth tighten and sweat gathered on his forehead. He stuttered, "Ahm, Head Maid. He also came with me to find you, but we decided to search for you separately as it will save some time."


The head maid narrowed her eyes but didn't say anything. She provided him with two sets of uniforms—simple yet clean tunics and trousers. "One is for you, and the other is for the second boy. After changing, find the steward; he will assign you your duties."


Cassian walked back to his room and found James fully awake. "Here is your uniform."


They quickly changed and made their way to the steward, standing neat and clean in the stone hallway. The steward's voice echoed through the corridor as he addressed them.


The steward continued, "Listen carefully," in a firm voice. His voice echoed down the stone corridor. You are going to learn your duties today. You will constantly be monitored, and any mistakes you make will be noted. Don't let me down.


"James and Cassian looked at each other nervously, but Cassian nodded understandingly. 


Their first task was to assist in cleaning the grand hall. The vast space with high ceilings was adorned with chandeliers and intricate designs. Cassian marveled at the artwork but quickly focused on his work. Scrubbing the floors alongside James.


As they worked, Martha approached. Her presence was intimidating, and her eyes were cold as she surveyed the new servants. "Keep up, boys," she barked. "We have no room for slackers here."


Cassian and James hurried to comply, their hands moving swiftly as they polished the floors. Despite the pressure, they managed to avoid Martha's wrath—for now.


After cleaning the grand hall. Cassian was assigned to the library while James went to help in the laundry. Cassian's heart raced as he approached the library. It was a place he had always dreamed of seeing.


The shelves were lined with countless books, and the smell of parchment filled the air, creating an atmosphere of quiet peace.


As Cassian began organizing the scrolls and books, he marveled at the sheer volume of knowledge contained within the room. He handled the delicate scrolls with care, ensuring everything was in its place. The library was a sanctuary of knowledge, and Cassian felt a sense of awe as he moved from shelf to shelf.


Just as he was settling into his work, the library door creaked open. Cassian glanced up briefly and saw a young man enter and walk towards the study table at the far end of the room. 


His heart skipped a beat when he realized it was the same person who had winked at him the previous day. Unaware that this was the prince, Cassian only knew him as a charming young man who seemed out of place among the other court officials.


Cassian decided it would be best to avoid drawing attention to himself. He kept his head down, focusing on his tasks, and tried to stay hidden behind the tall shelves. The last thing he wanted was to be caught slacking on his first day.


As he moved to the next shelf, Cassian's hands trembled slightly with nervousness. He was determined to finish his work quickly and leave quietly. However, his anxiety got the better of him, and he accidentally knocked a heavy book off the shelf. It fell to the floor with a loud thud, breaking the library's silence.


Cassian froze, his face flushing with embarrassment. He quickly bent down to pick up the book, but before he could reach it, he heard a voice behind him.


"Well, well, what do we have here?" the young man said, amusement evident in his tone.


Cassian straightened up, clutching the book to his chest. "I-I'm sorry," he stammered, not daring to look up. "I didn't mean to disturb you."


The young man approached, and Cassian could feel his presence drawing nearer. "A little clumsy, aren't you?" he teased with a hint of laughter in his voice. "But no harm done."