Chapter 7: The Head Maid's Wrath

I helped him gather the papers and reassured him that he wouldn't be punished," Zane replied. "And told him to go back to his room and rest. He was so grateful. It's hard to imagine what kind of life he must have had before coming here to react so strongly."

Dorian nodded thoughtfully. "It seems the palace is already making an impression on him. What was his name?"

"I forgot to ask," Zane said with an awkward smile tugging at his lips but he still continued. "He is quite the delicate boy. he was running like a headless chicken from the library like a devil was chasing him.

Dorian's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Oh? And who is the devil? I didn't see any devil here then with a pause he continued "Aside from me. "

Zane's eyes widened for a moment and he understood everything in seconds. Your highness, don't you think he is too innocent? You should not scare him, he is already a scared boy.

Dorian's grin widened with his smile taking on a slightly wicked edge. "Ohh Zane! If I couldn't get some fun here then how do you think I will time pass in this boring palace?

Zane leaned forward his tone growing serious. "Your Highness, I don't think it's a good idea to play with the servants like that. looked genuinely scared and your teasing might make things worse for him."

Dorian waved a hand dismissively. "Oh, come on Zane. A little fun never hurt anyone. Besides, it keeps things lively around here.

Zane sighed, he knew how stubborn the prince could be. "Just be mindful, Your Highness. Not everyone can handle your... unique sense of humor. And the pretty boy seems too innocent for your dark humor."

Dorian's mysterious smile lingered. "Point taken. Now, let's get to these documents. We have so much to discuss."

As they delved into their work, Zane couldn't shake the image of Cassian's tear-streaked face from his mind. He hoped the boy would find his footing in the palace and that Dorian's playful nature wouldn't cause him any more trouble.


Cassian ran towards his room, his heart still pounding from the chaotic morning. He just wanted a moment to rest and collect his thoughts. However, as he reached the servant quarters, he was abruptly stopped by the stern voice of the head maid, Martha.

"What are you doing here, boy?" Martha's voice cut through the air like a knife. "Wondering in the servant Quarter in such a busy hour, This is no time to be slacking off!"

Cassian froze with his face paling. "I... I was told to rest for a bit. I had an accident in the hallway and—"

Martha's eyes narrowed. "An accident, you seem to be fine? And you think that excuses you from your duties? We are in the middle of a busy time! There is no room for laziness."

Cassian swallowed hard, trying to explain. "I wasn't being lazy, I swear. The Courtier told me to—"

"I don't care who told you, What? ," Martha snapped with her hands on her hips. "You have work to do. Come with me."

Without waiting for a response, Martha grabbed Cassian's arm and began dragging him down the corridor. Cassian stumbled after her, trying to keep up with her brisk pace.

"Where are we going?" he asked, his voice tinged with panic.

"To the kitchens," Martha replied curtly. "There's always work to be done there. And you a young man will learn what it means to be a servant in this palace."

Cassian nodded with his heart sinking. He had hoped for a brief rest, but it seemed he was in for a long day of work. He followed Martha blindly with his thoughts a jumble of anxiety and exhaustion.

When they reached the kitchens, the heat and noise hit Cassian like a wave. Servants bustled around chopping vegetables, stirring pots, and shouting orders. The air was thick with the smell of cooking food.

Martha released Cassian's arm and pointed towards a pile of dirty dishes. "Start with those. And make sure they're spotless. We can't afford any complaints from the royal family."

Cassian nodded with his spirits low. He rolled up his sleeves and got to work, scrubbing the dishes with as much care as he could muster. His arms ached and his fingers were soon pruned from the water, but he kept going.

As he worked, he couldn't help but replay the events of the morning in his mind. The mysterious young man's smile kind of looked wicked to him and he shuddered. And think please God, Make sure I will never encounter him. He feels like a prey in his presence ready to be gobbled up.

Suddenly, a voice snapped him out of his thoughts. "Hey, new boy!"

Cassian looked up to see a young maid grinning at him. "I'm Ana. You must be the new servant everyone's talking about."

Cassian managed a weak smile. "Yes, I'm Cassian."

"Don't let Martha scare you too much," Ana said with a sympathetic tone. "She can be tough, but she just wants everything to run smoothly. You'll get used to it."

Cassian nodded, he was grateful for the kind words. "Thanks, Ana. I'll try my best."

Ana gave him an encouraging nod before returning to her own tasks. Cassian felt a bit more at ease. Maybe, just maybe, he could find his place here after all.

The rest of the day passed in a blur of chores and commands. Cassian worked tirelessly, determined not to make any more mistakes. By the time evening rolled around, he was exhausted but relieved to have made it through the day.

As he finally made his way back to his room, he couldn't help but think about what his future lay here.

One thing was certain: his life had changed dramatically, and there was no turning back now. He would have to face whatever challenges came his way, with or without his willingness.