Chapter 15 : Wandered in the Mortal World

"Oh, God! We've wasted so much time. Let's go back to work! If Samuel or Lisette any of them found us slacking here, then only God knows what will happen to us," Ana's voice pierced through the walls of chamber, Cassian snapped out of his thoughts from the shrill voice of Anna.

Cassian and James both nodded in agreement, they were aware of the urgency of situation and that they couldn't afford to lose more time.

There is also fear of being caught by Samuel or Lisette, Cassian and James didn't want to leave the impression that they are lazy and slacking at work time.

"Anna, tell us what to do," Cassian urged to Anna, his voice was tinged with desperation as he looked to his friend for direction.

Ana didn't disappoint Cassian as she stepped forward with the confidence of someone who had taken charge before and said. "Cassian, you start polishing every object in this room. And James, you grab the duster and start cleaning the shelves. We need to clear out all the dust first, and then we'll replace everything with new items. We can't afford any mistakes."

Without wasting another moment, Cassian and James sprang into action. Cassian grabbed a cloth and his fingers started moving swiftly as he began to polish the nearest piece of furniture with quick, precise movements. The wood start gleaming under his touch making the surface smooth and reflective. He worked with a meticulous attention to every detail, not leaving a single corner unscathed.

Meanwhile James picked up a duster and began sweeping it across the shelves, dislodging the layers of dust that had settled there. The dust rose in small clouds, swirling in the sunlight that streamed through the windows than settled again.

The room was filled with the sound of their hurried movements—the soft swish of the duster, the rhythmic scrubbing of the cloth against wood, and the occasional clink of objects being moved or adjusted.

Each of them was lost in their own thoughts, focused entirely on the task at hand. The weight of the rumors about Prince Dorian still lingered in the back of Cassian's mind, but he forced himself to push them aside. There was no time to dwell on such thoughts now; the work had to be done.

The hours seemed to slip by in a blur as they worked, the urgency of their task driving them to work faster and more efficiently than ever before. There was no room for error, no time to rest. Every movement was purposeful, every action carefully calculated to maximize their progress.


The scene shifted to a different part of the kingdom, to a palace that stood as a symbol of luxury and power. This palace was a stark contrast to the one where Cassian and James toiled—a place of breathtaking beauty, where every inch of the chamber was adorned with opulence.

The walls were lined with intricate patterns depicting scenes of myth and legend, their vibrant colors still vivid despite the passage of time. The floors were covered in plush carpets, so soft that one might think they were walking on clouds.

A grand chandelier hung from the ceiling, its crystal facets catching the light and scattering it in a thousand different directions, casting a soft, ethereal glow over the room. Every piece of furniture was a work of art, carved from the finest woods and upholstered in rich, luxurious fabrics. The entire chamber seemed to sparkle, as if it were touched by magic.

Yet, despite its grandeur, the chamber was eerily silent. The air was still, almost too still, as if time itself had paused within these walls. There was a peacefulness here, a serenity that was almost otherworldly. It was the kind of silence that could either soothe the soul or unsettle it, depending on the heart of the one who entered.

Into this silence stepped a young maid, her soft footsteps the only sound as she crossed the room. Her eyes were wide with curiosity and a hint of nervousness as she called out, "Princess?" Her voice echoed slightly, bouncing off the high ceilings and walls, but there was no response. Only the silence greeted her.

The maid, a girl of about fifteen with large, doe-like eyes that seemed too big for her small face, hesitated for a moment, her heart beginning to race. She knew the princess was supposed to be here, but where could she have gone? The thought of the princess being missing filled her with a growing sense of unease.

Determined not to fail in her duties, the maid continued her search, moving from one corner of the chamber to another. She checked the resting area, where a grand bed stood draped in silks and velvets, the vanity where delicate bottles of perfume and cosmetics were neatly arranged, even the washroom with its ornate marble fixtures. But still, there was no sign of the princess.

Panic began to creep into her voice as she called out again, her tone trembling, "Princess, please come out. It's important." The silence in response was deafening, and she felt a cold sweat break out on her brow.

Just as she was about to lose hope, she heard a sweet, melodic voice that immediately put her fears to rest. "Lora, come here to the balcony. I'm here."

Relief washed over the maid's face as she hurried toward the balcony, her heart finally beginning to slow its frantic pace. But when she arrived, she was met with the same empty space, the same eerie silence. Confusion clouded her mind as she looked around, trying to find where the voice had come from. "Princess, where are you?" she called out, her voice trembling once more.

"I'm behind the chair, Lora," the voice replied, its tone light and gentle, like a breeze on a summer's day.

Lora quickly moved behind one of the large, ornate chairs that sat on the balcony and finally found the princess. She was sitting on the floor, her legs tucked beneath her, her plain dress pooling around her like a puddle of silk. Her long hair, unadorned by any jewels and ornaments, flowed down her back in soft waves, catching the light of the setting sun and making it shimmer with a golden hue.

She looked ethereal, almost otherworldly, like a fairy who had wandered into the mortal world by mistake. Her delicate features were softened by the glow of the fading daylight, her skin smooth and flawless, her eyes bright and clear. There was a serenity about her, a calmness that seemed to radiate from within, as if she were at peace with the world and all its troubles.

The sight of her took Lora's breath away for a moment, the sheer beauty and tranquility of the scene overwhelming her senses. But she quickly regained her composure, remembering her duties. "Princess," she said softly, her voice full of concern, "you shouldn't be sitting here on the floor."