Chapter 13 : The tensed Atmosphere

The steward continued to assign tasks to everyone while calling their name. And Cassian's heart was ready to jump every time, he heard a new name called, fearing that he was the next one to be called.

There was nothing wrong with being called out and assigned their task, but even Cassian didn't know why he had this feeling. Maybe because with these tasks, came responsibility far greater than he except and one mistake can lead to death. In just two weeks Cassian heard this statement multiple times from many people.

Harlan's voice can be heard across the hall where all of the servants are standing in neat lines. His voice is filled with his usual authoritativeness and respect. Harlan moved down the lines of servants while announcing their tasks, responsibilities and under whose command they were.

He wore a solemn expression while giving orders. Which showed how much of an importance this diplomatic visit is. Everyone could feel the tense atmosphere.

"Lisette," Harlan called out to a woman, one of the senior maids. Lisette is a head-level servant, she is a woman in her forties who has served the palace for over a decade. She was known for her meticulous attention to detail and unyielding work ethic. Her sharp eyes could spot a speck of dust from across the room, and her high standards had earned her the respect—and fear—of many in the servant's quarters.

"You will oversee the preparation of the main dining hall," Harlan instructed her. "Ensure that everything is in order—every silverware should be polished, every centerpiece perfect. The king expects nothing less than absolute perfection for this event."

Lisette nodded curtly towards the steward, her expression was one of grim determination and pride. She was a woman of few words, but her presence alone commanded attention. Cassian had seen her in action before, and he knew that she would leave no stone unturned in her quest for perfection.

Next, Harlan turned to Samuel, he was another head-level servant who had been in the palace for over ten years. Samuel was a tall, sturdy man with a calm demeanor and a reputation for being excellent in his work. He had seen countless events pass through the palace and knew how to handle the most demanding tasks.

"Samuel, you will be in charge of the royal chambers," Harlan ordered. "The king himself will be spending much of his time there during the visit. Everything must be flawless—the linens, the draperies, the furnishings. Leave no detail unattended."

Samuel inclined his head in acknowledgment. "Understood, sir," he replied with his voice steady and confident. Cassian envied his composure, wishing he could borrow some of that calm for himself.

Harlan's gaze then shifted to Ana, a middle-level servant who had worked in the palace for five years. Ana was a kind woman with a warm smile and a gentle nature, but she was also fiercely dedicated to her duties. She had mentored many of the newer servants, including Cassian and James, and was well-liked among the staff.

"Ana," Harlan said with his tone slightly softer, "you'll be responsible for the guest quarters in the east wing. The visiting nobles will be staying there, and we cannot afford any mistakes. and will have direct orders from Samuel and Lisette as you will work under them too. Coordinate with Cassian and James to ensure that all preparations are completed on time, they will be under your supervision.

Ana nodded with her usual confident-filled smile as she took in the gravity of the situation. "Of course, sir. We'll make sure everything is perfect."

Harlan then turned his attention to Cassian and James, the two newest members of the group. Though their tasks had already been outlined, the steward seemed to sense their unease and added a final stern warning.

"Remember, both of you," Harlan said with his voice carrying a weight that made Cassian's stomach churn, "this is not just another event. This is a critical moment for our kingdom. Your work here will reflect on the entire palace—on all of us. Do not disappoint me."

Cassian and James nodded in unison. they were already tensed from the situation. The pressure was immense on them and the fear of failure loomed over them like a dark cloud. Cassian felt a bead of sweat trickle down the back of his neck, but he quickly wiped it away, he was determined to maintain his composure and not to make any mistakes.

As the steward finished giving his orders, he ordered them to get back on their work, the servants began to disperse with each group heading off to their assigned tasks. Cassian, James, Ana, Lisette, and Samuel moved together towards the east wing, where they would begin preparing the guest quarters.

Once they arrived, Lisette took charge, her sharp eyes scanning the room with a critical gaze. "We have three days to get everything in order," she said with her voice firm. "Samuel, you and I will handle the more delicate tasks—the draperies, the furnishings, the arrangements. Ana, you'll oversee the cleaning and ensure the linens are in place. Cassian, James, you'll assist where you're needed, and follow our lead."

Cassian nodded, trying to absorb the instructions. He was grateful to have experienced servants like Lisette and Samuel guiding them, but he couldn't shake the feeling of being out of his depth. This was unlike anything he had ever done before.

After that Lisette and Samuel left, leaving them in the East wing. Cassian and James are only familiar with Ana, they didn't have much encounter with Lisette and Samuel, that's why they are under pressure in front of them.

Ana gave them a cheerful smile and said, relax boys no need to wear this serious face just take it easily.

Ana said and without waiting for their response, she hopped in the room and said, Oh my! I have never imagined that one day I would get the opportunity to step foot here. She said like a fan girl fanning her red face.

Cassian and James gave her a weird look, thinking what's with the stepping foot here. Is this room any special?

Ana looked at their confused faces and said enthusiastically, ohh! You are new here. That's why you don't know.

It was the first Prince's room, his Highness Dorian. The mighty general of our kingdom.