Chapter 23: You… you're human?

In the depths of the demon world, where the sky looks nowhere near the blue, only the swirling mass of dark clouds. and the ground was a barren wasteland of jagged rocks and bubbling lava.

The landscape was barren without a living being; fire was burning inside the land, and the molten lava was everywhere, making the atmosphere more than suffocating. It was the sight no human can endure.

But still, it is the dwelling of someone—not humans but demons. And in the center of this chaotic world stood a massive fortress. It's towering so high, like it was trying to spread his claws in the sky. But for the demons, the same fortress was a place of fear, respect, and home to the most formidable beings in their demon world, and one and only one their supreme ruler.

But today the same fortress was filled with an uneasy silence, as if the very walls were holding their breath in anticipation of what was to come.

Inside the fortress where the meetings of archdemons and demon kings usually took place is now filled with strange silence. And every other archdemons was looking at one figure, the fourth demon king, who stood in the hall with an evil smile hanging on his lips, but who knew the real truth behind the evil smile shuddered.

The fourth demon king was tall, and his skin was in the shade of deep crimson with horns that curled back over his head like a crown. His eyes burned with a malevolent fire, and a wicked smile played on his lips as he surveyed the room. This was Fourth Demon King Malakar, a name that struck fear into the hearts of even the bravest of demons.

Malakar's voice was cold and commanding as it echoed through the hall, leaving the shudder in every spine. Where is he? He growled with his low tone, leaving no room for defiance. "Where is the so-called Supreme Lord of this world? Has he finally decided to show his face?"

The gathered demons shifted uncomfortably, their eyes darting to one another in fear. Malakar had been waiting for this moment for so long and had bided his time in the shadows; he knew that the supreme lord was also awake, just like him or maybe even before him. That's why he had come here, but even after so many years passed, he still did not get to see his face.

That's why he had taken this step and started creating chaos with one purpose in mind—to bring forth the one he had longed to see for countless years.

Where are you, old friend?" Malakar muttered to himself; his voice was a low growl that echoed through the air. He had once been close to the supreme lord of the Demon World and had fought alongside him in battles that shook the very foundations of their world. But then the lord had vanished, retreating into a deep slumber that seemed endless. For centuries, Malakar had also entered the deep slumber alongside other demon kings.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the hall shifted. A cold wind blew through the room, extinguishing the torches that lined the walls. The demons felt it first—a dark, oppressive energy that filled the air, pressing down on them like an invisible weight. The very ground beneath their feet began to tremble, and a low, ominous rumble echoed through the fortress.

Then, without warning, the shadows in the room began to swirl, coalescing into a thick, inky mist that spiraled upward, filling the air with a sense of dread. The demons watched in awe and terror as the mist grew denser, its darkness consuming everything in its path. It swirled around the center of the room, faster and faster, until it was a towering column of pure darkness.

And then, just as suddenly as it appeared, the mist began to dissipate. Slowly, it unraveled, revealing a figure standing in its center. The figure was tall and imposing, his presence commanding and otherworldly. His hair was black as the void, his eyes gleaming with a cold, terrifying light. His chiseled features were shadowed, and his lean, muscular torso was visible under the torn fabric of his dark cloak, which billowed around him as though moved by a wind only he could feel.

The demons in the room froze, their eyes wide with fear and reverence. They knew, without a doubt, who this being was. This was their supreme lord, the one who ruled over them all, the master they had heard tales of but never dared to hope to see in person.

One by one, they dropped to their knees, their heads bowed in submission. Not a single demon dared to look up, for to gaze upon him without permission was to invite death. The silence in the hall was deafening, broken only by the sound of their collective breaths.

The supreme lord—who was once resting peacefully by the lake—now stood at the heart of the Demon World, his presence commanding absolute obedience. His eyes swept across the room, taking in the sight of his kneeling subjects, and his lips curled into a small, satisfied smile. The dark mist that had heralded his arrival swirled around him one last time before dissipating entirely, leaving only the man and the demons who served him.

But one figure did not kneel. Demon King Malakar, standing at the head of the hall, his eyes locked onto the supreme lord with a wicked smile. For Malakar, this was the moment he had been waiting for—the moment when he would finally face the one who claimed dominion over him.

"So," Malakar purred, his voice dripping with humor, "you've finally decided to show yourself. I must say, I've been eagerly awaiting this day."

The supreme lord tilted his head slightly, his gaze meeting Malakar's without a hint of fear or hesitation. His expression remained calm, almost indifferent, as though Malakar's words were of little consequence to him.

"Is that so?" The Supreme Lord replied, his voice deep and resonant, carrying an unspoken threat within it. "And what is it that you hope to achieve, Malakar?"

Malakar didn't hear the question; because he was too busy to look. The unfamiliar figure that stood before him was not the fearsome demon he had once known, but a man—a human, with dark black hair and a lean, muscular build. His skin was pale, his features sharp and defined, and his eyes held an otherworldly glint that was both mesmerizing and terrifying. There were no horns, no claws, none of the traits that marked him as a demon. And yet, the power that radiated from him was unmistakable, a force so intense that it caused the very air to hum with energy.

Malakar's eyes widened in shock, his mind struggling to comprehend what he was seeing. "You… you're human?" he whispered, disbelief lacing his words. The wicked smile that had been on his face moments ago faltered, replaced by a look of confusion and awe. "How... how is this possible?"

The man—the lord—met Malakar's gaze with a calm, almost amused expression. "Does it surprise you, Malakar?" he asked, his voice smooth and rich, carrying a dangerous undertone. "Did you think I would remain the same after all these years?"