An utopia?

"Any last words?" Adrian asked, his cold eyes fixed on the man crawling on the floor, trying to get away with blood dripping from the side of his face and arms.

"Please… please, please…" the man managed to choke out amidst sobs. "Please don't kill me. I'll… do anything... I'll give you… anything... everything," he whimpered, his voice trembling with terror. 

His once pristine clothes were now torn and dirty, sweat dripping down his face. His portly frame shook with each sob, fat fingers clawing at the marble floor as if he could dig his way to safety.

A dry chuckle escaped Adrian's lips. "How amusing," his voice dripped with venom. "Thousands of my people also begged for their lives, my wife inclusive… she begged!" he half hollered. "But guess what?" 

Something sinister flashed in Adrian's eyes. "None… not one was spared."

His eyes darkened as he remembered the day of the invasion. 

The memory of his wife, dying in his arms and the helpless screams of his people fueled his resolve. He had sworn vengeance and now, standing before one of the men responsible for so much suffering, he felt a brief, dark satisfaction.

He turned to look at the goddesses beside him, Lilith and Medea. 

Lilith, with her raven-black hair cascading down her back and covering her massive boobs, smiled darkly. Her fingers twirled playfully in the air, dark energy forming a tiny vortex.

Medea on the other hand, had a hardened expression, her hand resting on her sword. 

Both women glanced at each other, then back at Adrian, giving a short nod.

"Your fate was decided the day you all chose to invade my home," Adrian declared.

His eyes glowed and four fiery chains sprouted from his back, blazing with an intense, otherworldly heat. 

They snaked through the air with a life of their own, wrapping around the man's wrists and ankles, lifting him off the ground.

His eyes bulged in their socket as they darted around, looking at the chains and seeing a cruel end awaiting him. 

"No. Please. Fuckk, wait." His voice trembled, his expression morphing into pure dread as his scream of agony rendered the air. "Arrrrgggghhh!!"

The chains tightened, searing into his flesh like molten fire. "Noooo….arrghhh!"

Still, neither Adrian nor the goddesses flinched.

Adrian took a few steps closer, his face inches from the man's. "Do you feel that pain? That is just a fraction of what you inflicted on my people."

The man sobbed, tears streaming down his face, but Adrian's expression remained impassive. "This is just the beginning."

Adrian closed his eyes for a brief moment, then opened them slowly, blazing with hatred. "Any final pleas?" he asked, almost mockingly.

The man choked on his sobs, unable to form words. Adrian sighed, shaking his head. 

"Pathetic," he muttered. 

With a swift motion, a fiery chain shot from his hand, piercing the man's heart, shooting out the other side.

The man let out a final, gurgling scream before slumping lifeless in the chains.

What followed was a deafening silence. 

Adrian stood still, staring at the lifeless body before him. For a moment, he felt a pang of emptiness, a hollow victory. 

But he quickly pushed it aside, focusing on the larger goal.

Ever since he lost his people and family, no amount of vengeance was able to satiate the void within.

His eyes glowed once more and the chains retracted, leaving the man's lifeless body to fall on the floor with a dull thud.

"Hmm… tut." Lilith glared at the man's lifeless form for a moment then stepped closer, her dark eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "You did well, Adrian." Her sultry voice was almost too good to anyone listening but Adrian's gaze was empty. "Very well indeed."

A minute passed and no response came from him. Suddenly, Adrian's expression softened slightly as he turned to look at her. 

Lilith placed a hand on his cheek, her touch surprisingly gentle. 

"And for that," she continued, her fingers moving to her back to unclasp her armor, "you deserve a reward."

Adrian's hand instinctively moved to rest on her lower back, his fingers grazing the curve of her hip before pulling her to himself. 

A small yelp escaped her lips at the suddenness. She leaned in, her lips brushing against his ear. "This is just the beginning," she whispered against his skin before crashing them on his lips.


It's funny how quickly life can change. 

One moment, you're a hero, respected by your people and adored by your wife. Next, you're standing amidst the ruins of a kingdom that was once your pride and joy, and the love of your life lay lifeless at your feet.

It felt just like yesterday.

King Adrian stood atop the castle's highest tower, gazing out over his kingdom. 

The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm golden glow over the peaceful lands below. 

The distant fields were a patchwork of green and gold, dotted with villages where his people went about their lives in contentment. 

It was a sight that always filled him with pride.

King Adrian and his wife, Elena were rulers of Meridia which was a prosperous kingdom.

It was an utopia of their making — a dream and vision of unity, justice, and prosperity for all. 

Elena's grace balanced Adrian's strength, her wisdom tempered his impulsiveness. 

Together, they were unstoppable.

Every day felt like their dreams were finally a reality, but that wretched day, dreams, Adrian learnt, could slip through your fingers like grains of sand. 

His grain, his doom and his vengeance.


"Are you sure you don't want me to accompany you?" Elena asked for the umpteenth time as Adrian saddled his white horse.

As King of Meridia, one would expect his servants to have his horse saddled before his departure. But this was one of the things Adrian enjoyed doing to remind himself of the ordinary life he had lived before becoming king.

He paused for a moment, considering her offer.

It was just a routine diplomatic mission. He would be accompanied by a score of soldiers to guard him. There was no real need for her to join him.

He leaned in, gently brushing his lips against hers, savoring the warmth of her presence.

"I'll miss you, my love," he whispered, his voice filled with affection. "But it's just a diplomatic mission, and I would love for you to remain here and oversee our kingdom's affairs."

Her face broke into a bright smile, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Is that the only reason why you don't want me to join you?" she teased, a hint of playfulness in her voice.

She wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him close, their lips meeting in a kiss.

"Just promise me you'll return safely, Adrian. I'll be waiting for you."

He leaned in closer, feeling the depth of her concern, and their lips met in another kiss.

The world seemed to disappear in that moment, her lips dancing on his. His hands went around her waist and drew her closer, deepening the kiss for a brief second before slowing down.

As they parted, he held her gaze. "I promise, Elena," he said softly. "I'll see you soon."

He gave her a quick peck on the cheek and climbed onto his horse, waving farewell as he rode away, his heart filled with love for her.

If only he knew they would be seeing again on a whole different and unexpected circumstance.