Ava, the Goddess of Greed...

"More..." she breathed, her voice rich with desire.

Adrian, sensing her power, moved closer to the sarcophagus and offered her the goblet full of coins. Without hesitation, she reached out, her long fingers brushing against the treasure. 

The moment her hand made contact with the gold, a ripple of energy surged through the room, and the treasure around them seemed to glow brighter.

Ava's eyes fluttered shut again, a shudder running through her body as she clutched the goblet to her chest. "So much gold," she murmured, her voice filled with a deep, insatiable hunger.

Adrian watched her, both fascinated and wary of the power she radiated. He had heard the way Medea and Lilith spoke of the goddess of Greed, of how her desire for wealth was all-consuming. 

And now, as he stood before her, he could feel the weight of that greed, pulling at him, tempting him.