It was like falling in love

Minutes later, I finally calmed down. It wasn't like it was the end of the world. Italy was good too. They had this beautiful scenery but... I had my mind on France.

"Haaiz." I let out a tired sigh. "Is it even possible for a normal person to make this sort of mistake?" I muttered. "I'm honestly the worst."

I got a latte at a coffee shop and sipped on it while strolling around. I came to know that I was somewhere located in the province of Vicenza, Marostica.

Haaiz. Why me?

I knew how to speak Italian a little bit but not to the point that I could understand what the residents were saying. It was torture to me.

"Ugh, let's just find a place to stay for tonight." I said after taking out my camera, hoping to take a few pics that would allow me to navigate my location properly.

With the way things turned out, I was already on the verge of giving up.

'Maybe I'm not destined to be a photographer after all.' I thought, staring at my camera.

I walked a few distances, hoping to find a nice cheap hotel since I was extremely low on cash. Just thinking about it made me weak.

I squatted on the floor, grabbed my hair, and planned to pull it all out.

I was devastated.

"Why is my life like this?"

And as if all the misfortunes piled up till now wasn't enough, another befell me.

A street junkie suddenly dashed towards me and grabbed my little suitcase.

"Hey!" I yelled as soon as I saw this and started running after him.

But this guy used his knowledge of the area to escape me. I ran and ran till I didn't know where I was anymore.

I lost him.

I lost my way, lost my things, and lost hope.

I wanted to cry so much that tears had already gathered in my eyes.

"Grandma," I muttered, tears slowly sliding down my cheek.

I was 29 years old but I was not prone to getting hurt. And because I was hurt, I wanted to cry.

Yet, at that moment, a gentle breeze blew past me. I had to hold my hair in place to avoid it from soaking up my tears. Then, a pink petal slowly landed on my nose.

I looked at it. It looked so soft and... where did this come from? Then, I looked up and saw the most beautiful scenery in front of me.

After making a lot of unsure and shady turns while chasing the thief, I ended up in a park that was filled with cherry blossoms.

They seemed to be in full bloom this spring and so they were exceptionally beautiful.

But that was not what had caught my attention.

It was the man who was standing behind the flowers. He had this distant appeal with his hands tucked in his pockets, his scarf simply resting around his shoulder was fluttering in the wind, and his blond hair flowing over his face.

He looked like he was lost in thoughts but this scene... This gorgeous scene made my heart flip.

And like any photographer who came across a heartwarming scene, I raised my camera, zoomed in on him, making sure to find the perfect angle that would capture this masterpiece perfectly, and took the shot.

As soon as I pressed the shutter button, I took a look at the picture in the camera.

My heart melted in delight. I got it. I got the heart-racing picture that I longed for.

But... This man looked somewhat familiar. Was he a celebrity?

Oh no, if he was a model, I wouldn't be able to submit this without making problems for myself.

Should I ask him? No, he doesn't even know I took a picture of him. He could consider this as an offense. I might be regarded as a stalker or a pervert for taking his picture without his knowledge.

Then... I stared at the picture... Was I to delete it and forget about it?

But how was one supposed to forget about an art like this?

My heart suddenly started racing. Staring at a picture like that gave me a completely different feeling. It was like falling in love.

Well, there was no need to delete it. I would just keep it for myself.

Just as I made that resolve, I raised my head to find the blond guy staring at me. My heart leaped as we made eye contact.

'He... He didn't see me, did he?' I gulped. But then, he smiled and started approaching me.

I got confused and turned around. Should I act like I was passing by or... What if he indeed saw me taking his picture? What would I say about that?

My head was spinning.

Nevertheless, I decided to apologize, and good thing I knew the words in Italian, but before I could turn around to apologize, I saw him in front of me.

I blinked, confused. Wasn't he in front of the cherry blossoms? How did he...?

I was probably losing my mind. Quick, let's apologize before he gets mad.

"I'm deeply sorry." I said, bowing my head.

The man in front of me reached his gloved hand out to me. I squinted my eyes, thinking he was going to hit me but instead, he gently held my chin and lifted my head to meet his gaze.

He was... Smiling.

"I saw you from afar and thought I was dreaming for a moment there." This man said, and in fluent Korean too.

I was confused.

What did they mean? Did he know me from anywhere? Did...

My eyes fell on his eyes, staring intently at those grey pupils. They were... Beautiful.

In all honesty, this man was right out breathtaking. I was doing my best not to fawn over his looks since this situation was really weird.

Wait, grey eyes?

My eyes went down to my camera. Didn't this guy have green eyes just now?

Then suddenly, someone walked up to me from behind and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"To think such a day would come." Came the voice of the man behind me and I glanced back to see an exact replica of the man in front of me.

I gasped.

What? Identical twins?

"What's the matter?" The guy in front asked and I once again turned my gaze, only to find his face directly in front of me.

He was so close.

"I... I already apologized." I stuttered, panicked. But then, he smiled.

His smile was just like that of the man behind me. Breathtaking and bright. It was to the extent that I wanted to raise my camera and take a shot of him up close.

Seeing me slowly take up my camera, both guys laughed and then the one in front said,

"It seems you're still the same. You haven't changed one bit, Hyung." He glanced at me with eyes that seemed to be staring at what lay beyond my general appearance. "And thanks to that, it wasn't hard to recognize you."

My eyes widened.

What did he just call me? I looked from one to another. Ah, now I know why they looked so familiar. These twins... I used to know a set of twins when I was younger.

They had this same blonde hair that made me remember a German shepherd's fur and those big eyes that asked me numerous questions without saying a thing from their mouth.

"You..." No, I shook my head.

It couldn't be. What were the odds? Those two... They couldn't have been 'the' twins.

"Hyung." The one in front held my hand and pressed it to his lips. "You look confused."

"It couldn't be that you forgot about us, already. That's not true, right? There's no way you would forget us. We never forgot you."

I slowly swallowed my saliva and parted my lips to call the names of the two whom I knew a long time ago.

"Seo... Seojun?" I blinked and looked at the one behind me. "Seojin? Is ... Is this real?"

"Yes, Hyung." They both smiled. "You remembered us."

How I wonder how I was able to remember who was who just with the color of their eyes. They looked so alike.

"After so many years, we finally reunited. Isn't this course to celebrate?"

I looked at them still confused. This situation seemed odd. If I didn't know any better, I would've thought they staged this entire thing just to meet me, but...

But why would they go so far? I mean, it's impossible. I was probably overthinking it since there was no way they could've predicted my arrival in Italy.

This was all an honest mistake and our reunion... Gosh, a big mistake.

We were never supposed to see each other for the rest of our lives. My presence was a very big mistake in their life. So why were they happy?
